Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunday in Borger

This is the choir at First Baptist Church in Borger this past Sunday morning. Don't they look wonderful? They can sing really well, too! The women said they spread their glitter cheer all morning!

The Duso family lit the Advent candle and prayed. Kim (left) barely kept her son, Tyler, (whom she's holding) from blowing out the candle! She slapped her hand over his mouth just in time! I just wish I'd had my camera out at that moment!

Ember Sherman and Andy Dietz sang "I Bring an Offering." It was a blessing.

Sunday evening, we went to 6666 Ranch outside of Borger and listened as our pastor told the Christmas story at a "stable." It was very meaningful.

There was a great crowd--even though it was very cold out there. The 6666 Ranch managers were very hospitable and offered us coffee or hot cider.

It was so awesome to sit in the night air and look at the dark sky dotted with stars and think about the birth of Christ and what it must have been like.


Lindsey said...

Wow! All that AND The Nutcracker! No wonder you're exhausted.

amy wright said...

The choir looks great, I'm impressed that you all have an advent wreath, Dad's pants look great, and I bet it was a neat experience to be out at the ranch and hear the Christmas story.