Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Blooming Flower

The first time I saw Addie do this, I laughed hysterically. So tonight when it started, I grabbed my camera. Start with the first---and if it's just too many to watch, at least watch the last one---I bet you watch it more than once!!!


Marcy Faye Hallden said...

I think I laughed harder at the second one--at Andy getting all limbered up for his first time! HA! This is the exact kind of thing we do with Hudson and Craig's mom and Dad. David is more and more like Andy, eh?

Lindsey said...

That's just as funny today as it was last night!

In Christs Love, Cindy said...

That last one was so funny, Becky you must of been behind the camera cause I seem to have missed seeing you. It was magical to say the least.

Rachel said...

That's hilarious. We played it over and over again. Good times!

Rachel said...

We just watched it 3 more times and noticed Ryan throwing the flashlight away. Do you think he was getting rid of the evidence?

Becky Dietz said...

Marcy---David is JUST like his dad. Ask Lindsey!

Exactly, Lindsey!!

Cindy---I WAS behind the camera. The safest place to be around here!

Rachel---The videos are actually out of order. After the last video, go back and watch the first one. You can hear Ryan in the background saying, "Sor-ry." And he's picking up his evidence! ha!

amy wright said...

I think I played that last video about 50 times. Hilarious.