Monday, February 7, 2011


I had a friend tell me today that she'd had a revelation.  She said she got involved in helping plan a wedding shower for a friend's daughter and it became pressure and manipulation from the bride's mother.  In fact, the manipulation became so strong that my friend started backtracking.  She went to God over the issue and questioned whether she was rebelling against the manipulation.  God revealed that she wasn't rebelling...but resisting.  Even God resists.  He resists the proud. 
So, we have to humble our hearts; but we don't have to give in to manipulation, pressure, or control.  It's ok to resist.  Even God resists.
This was freeing for me today!


Sandra said...

Wow. All this time I've thought I was rebellious in my heart....
I needed to hear this. thanks.

Paul Burleson said...


My first visit to your blog. Excellent thought.

They would have made Jesus King...He resisted.

They misused the Temple...Jesus resisted.

They wanted to go around Samaria...Jesus resisted.

You've triggered my thinking in a direction I've not gone before. As I said, excellent.