Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dax Chandler Dietz

He's HERE!  And he's perfect!!  Dax Chandler Dietz--in full color.  (He has red hair!)  He was born Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 12:30 p.m. and weighed in at 7 lbs. and 7 oz. and was 19 inches long.  The first thing we all saw were those fat, kissable cheeks! 

Shanna did a great job.  I got the call at 3 a.m. that they were on their way to the hospital.  She was actually in labor for 9 hours.  Shanna's so tiny that it became a difficult time for her.  In fact, Dax was very swollen and we later discovered he had a fractured clavicle because of the birth.  That makes me so sad.  Poor little guy!!  But he had healthy lungs!!!  ha!  Zach was texting us from the delivery room and the first text was, "HERE!!!!!!"  The second text was, "He's got lungs!"  I immediately asked him who he looked like and he said, "Both!  Shanna's lips for sure!" 

I see so much "Dietz" in him---I saw my babies and other grandbabies when I met him the first time.  I definitely think he has Isaac's cheeks!  But then he also has Shanna's lips and her dad's dimple in the chin.  He's perfect.  Did I mention he has red hair??  (Shanna's mom is a redhead, too--he had a great chance for that!)  That was the first thing the doctor announced as Dax began coming.

Can you believe I got to Lubbock without my cord to upload photos from my camera?  Get ready!  When I get home, there's a full blog of photos coming!

It's so fun seeing Zach as a dad.  He's so careful with Dax---and I know they'll be a little bit nervous now that they know he has a fractured clavicle.  Shanna is going to have a bit of a time recovering.  Bless her heart!  She did an amazing job--but it was tough.  Please pray for her and Dax to recover fully--quickly!!

Grandbaby #8 in the Dietz household.  And we're perfectly balanced at the moment--4 girls and 4 boys.


Sewn Together said...

He's perfect! Congratulations Dietz family!!!

Unknown said...

Praying for a quick recovery for both of them. Couldn't help but think of Granny Childress when I saw the red hair.

Unknown said...

Didn't know Aaron was logged in - that comment is from me. ha!

Marcy Faye Hallden said...

I cannot wait to see more pictures. I want to see the red hair. I can totally see Shana in him too--I thought of her lips right away!! Especially in that very first photo you posted yesterday. I remember Isaac's chubby cheeks. Dax is going to be one cool kid. Praying for him and Shana's recovery. Enjoy your time with #8.