Friday, February 3, 2017

Gib Welch


Gib Welch is with Jesus now--he finished a well-run race!  Gib was one of the wisest men I ever knew and I was privileged to learn from him. 

I began working as the director of Living Water, a benevolence ministry, in 2007.   Lots of volunteers were already in place, including Gib, who was the manager of the food room. I forget what his title was when he worked at Phillips 66--but I know he trained leaders for the company. Training leaders was a job he never quit. I came in to Living Water immediately making some changes. One man in particular was prepared to fight the changes I was implementing. But Gib....  But Gib stepped up and fiercely voiced that I was going to be given the chance to make changes and he thought they would be good. Every once in awhile, I'd hear that other guy make a snide comment, but Gib would quiet him with his humorous way. The rest of my tenure went just like that. Gib had my back. 

Wednesdays were the day that Gib & Herman Mos came to organize the food room and to prepare what went in the food bags that week. It was also "order food from the Food Bank" day. They'd take a break mid-morning and I'd go sit down and drink a cup of coffee with them. It didn't take me long to realize what a wealth of wisdom was available to me and I began picking their brains and asking them questions. These men had hearts of gold and were full of wise counsel. Anytime I had a "situation" at Living Water, I would pull Gib aside and quietly ask for his advice on how to handle it. I knew he wanted to step in and "fix" things for me, but instead he would offer his counsel and then promise to pray for me as I dealt with the situation. 

Gib often preached or sang at our services at Living Water. And he never did either without committing a lot of time in prayer for both. As a result, there was never a time when Gib preached that lots of people didn't give their lives to Jesus!  He was an evangelist, for sure!!  I remember one week that 14 people gave their hearts to Jesus. We were all overwhelmed--but Gib most of all!

It wasn't until I left Living Water that I could look back and see all God had done in my life. It was the place where God began uncovering and revealing my gifts to me.  But He used two very wise, loyal friends to breathe life into me and show me what I was fully capable of. I owe a debt of gratitude to Gib Welch & Herman Mos. They knew I could before I did. They were my champions here on earth and now I can hear them cheering from heaven!  They both made eternal investments in me and many others. They made me believe I could do anything. 

I love those guys. 

1 comment:

Ronnie said...

Beautiful and so true! I know he was welcomed with a "Well done my good and faithful servant"