Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Women Champions

God has always championed women.  So many of the great stories in the Bible have women as the star of the story:  Esther, Ruth, Deborah, Mary, and so many others.  Jesus didn't just receive women--he embraced their giftedness and strengths.  There were women who followed his ministry and contributed to his support.  Jesus not only forgave the adulterous woman, he protected her in her humiliation and put the men accusing her in their place.  He received the anointing oil of Mary and told the men who rebuked her that her story would be remembered forever.  Yes...Jesus was a champion of women.  He loved them, received them, received their gifts, strengths, wisdom, and help.  He purposed to change societal thinking about them.

In the photo above are 4 mothers...but not just mothers.  They are entrepreneurs, organizers, directors, artists, nutritionists, healers, teachers, explorers, singers, counselors, decorators, bloggers, runners, speakers, photographers, mediators, adoptive mothers, friends, missionaries, prayer warriors, women involved in church and civic concerns...and so much more.  They are all fun and laugh hard.  They care deeply about one another and others.  They try to meet the needs of their husbands and children and sometimes find themselves a little frayed at the ends.  They don't take enough time for themselves and often overextend themselves in managing their family's schedules while still helping in their children's schools, their churches, and communities. Some are more emotional than others.  And all express their emotions in different ways.  They are hard workers and give themselves 110% to their jobs--whether that is working in a church, developing their own business, or caring for their families.  They love their families.  They are ordinary...but extraordinary.

These same women can become wild-eyed, crazed maniacs if their children or husbands are attacked! You have no idea.  And you certainly don't want to test it.  (I can only tell you that Andy had to restrain me from "confronting" a few people back in the day.)

The amazing thing about these women is they all have husbands who champion them...men who aren't threatened by a strong woman.  These men honestly believe what Jesus came to teach about women.  They honor women, love their gifts and strengths, and love working alongside them.  In fact, these men know they wouldn't be who they are without these strong women.

And women?  We must become champions of one another.  Find a woman who needs encouragement.  Instead of being jealous of someone's strength, call it out!  Tell them you love that about them.  Bless them.  Help them.  Learn from them.  Build them up!

God loves women.  His plan was so good.  And He's not bothered at all by successful women!  In fact...He created women just for that reason.  He'd be disappointed if you didn't become a champion.

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