Thursday, July 31, 2014


How would you like to win a free cookbook?  

Blogging for Books is offering a contest here on my blog--just go below to fill out the web form for a chance to win The B.T.C. Old Fashioned Grocery Cookbook.  One cookbook will go to one of my readers from this blog!  FREE!!

This is a beautiful hardbacked cookbook valued at $29.99 filled with photos and stories of a small grocery store/cafe in Water Valley, Mississpppi.  Dixie Grimes' recipes sound amazing!  You can read about my review of this cookbook from this previous blog post.

The contest starts TODAY and ends on August 20th at 11:59 p.m.  The winner will be drawn randomly by Blogging for Books and contacted by email.

HURRY!!  Fill out the form below today!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Martha, Martha...

I taught children's Sunday School yesterday.  I decided to take a Bible story and let the kids learn the parts and act it out.  I had a different story in mind, but when I got to Sunday School, I only had three girls in attendance.  (Lots of our families were on vacation this week!)  So I quickly changed directions and turned to the story of Mary & Martha and we rehearsed several times until we had this down.  I think they did an amazing job acting out the story.

After we'd done this, I sat down with them and asked them some questions, hoping to help them apply this story to their own lives.  Later, they performed the skit in front of the church for the children's sermon.  I asked...

  • What was the first thing Martha was doing in this story?  --"Welcoming Jesus!" 
  • What was Mary doing?  --"Sitting at Jesus' feet!"
  • Was it wrong for Martha to fix a meal for Jesus?  --"NO!  He was probably hungry!"
  • Why was Martha upset?  --"Because she was doing all the work!"
  • What can we learn from Martha in this story?  --"You don't have to impress Jesus!"
Oh my goodness!!  Out of the mouths of babes.  You don't have to impress Jesus, indeed.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Pastor's Wives!

If you're a pastor's wife or a church staff wife, I want to invite you to a private blog where you'll hear from some veteran and some not-so-veteran wives who've already dealt with some issues we can all learn from.  This blog has already dealt with issues like A Pastor's Wife's Killers, A Church's Gifts & Personalities, The Minister's Husband, and Saving Sundays.

Because it's a private blog, you'll have to give me your email address to be added.  Just email it to me at  I hope you'll join us---we need your input!  And I bet we'll scratch your itch at some point.

By the way...this photo is of my own private parking spot at my church.  Just kidding...I walk across the parking lot.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Just like Noah...

In the same vein as my blog from yesterday, I gained some new insight on Matthew 24: 37-42.  My sister, Sandra, told me she'd been listening to David Jeremiah on the radio and he was teaching on Noah.  Just to give you a quick review, these verses in Matthew are saying that just as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when Jesus comes again.   Dr. Jeremiah made the point that these verses aren't talking about how EVIL the days were (which always came to my mind when I thought about Noah's day because of the description in Genesis 6.).  People were eating, drinking and marrying.  These verses are saying people were oblivious.  They were busy with life.  They weren't paying attention. They were preoccupied with themselves and their desires.  Noah was preaching but no one was listening...and I mean no one.

Do you feel oblvious sometimes? I can be posting away on Facebook, commenting on friends' photos, wasting an hour or two and then I see a post about 500,000 Christians in Iraq being forced from their homes--having to leave their country, convert to Islam, or be killed.  Or I see that Israel has been bombed 160 times in one day.  I'm upset because I'm so detached, so preoccupied to even know what's going on.  I'm all wrapped up in my comfort and pleasure and don't even know my brothers and sisters around the world are in trouble!  It's like I have spiritual ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and can only focus on my desires.   Thankfully, the Holy Spirit uses those moments to tell me to WAKE UP!  BE ALERT!!  The rest of those verses in Matthew 24 say that "the people of Noah's day didn't know or understand until the floods came and swept them away."  

II Timothy 3 reiterates that in the last days people will be focused on themselves.  They'll love pleasure and vain amusements more than God.  They will be lovers of self.  I don't think we can afford the luxury of being oblivious or of being selfish.  

The people who were preoccupied with themselves in Noah's day weren't believers.   Noah was the only righteous man alive so God chose to save the human race through him.  Noah spent approximately 100 years building the ark...and preaching to people who didn't want to hear.  That's some prolonged focus and alertness.  That's perseverance.  That's pressing through with great intention and obedience.  I think he's the example we need to follow in a day full of overwhelming distraction.   

Friday, July 25, 2014

Be Watchful...Be Alert!

" If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’”  Mark 13:36-37

When I was a young teenager, my parents, teachers, and pastors were talking about Jesus' return a lot.  In fact, there was a reel-to-reel recording intended to scare us to Jesus!  It was kind of like Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast in 1938.  This reel-to-reel (think before cassette tapes) was like news broadcasts of what it would be like moments after the rapture.  It made an impact on this impressionable teenager.  Billy Graham also had movies which were fear-based talking about Jesus' return.  (Or maybe it just put a fear in my own heart.)  I tell you this so you know that God began putting an awareness in my heart at a young age to be looking for Jesus' return.  I've always been interested in the end times--what to look for, what to expect.  I wish I understood it all, but I don't.  So I tune in to teachers who know a lot more than I do and listen.

But you don't have to be a Hebrew or Greek scholar to see that our world is shaping up to become a one-world government.  I texted my friend, Kaye Smith, recently and said this, "It's happening faster than I expected!!!  We're living in the end times, Kaye!!!"  Agendas which were once hidden are being exposed.  Our true enemy is being revealed...and so is his plan.  We know Israel is going to be hated and Satan is going to try to destroy it.  Israel will be standing alone in the last days without one single ally.  Christians will be hated by every nation.  When I was a teenager, that didn't even remotely seem like a possibility in the United States of America.  Does it now?  We have brothers and sisters in Christ losing everything in Iraq and in danger of losing their very lives.  Pray for them.

My advice, my warning, is this.  Be watchful...not fearful, but watchful.  Make the most of the time.  

" Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."  
I Peter 5:8

Let me make it a bit more personal.  Not only is our world shaping up for the return of Christ but our enemy knows his time is short and he's in all-attack mode.  He hates us because God loves us...and he hates God.  So he wants to destroy us, our love for others, and our unity.  Our unity is a sign to the world that Jesus came.  (Read all of John 17)  So what is Satan using to destroy our unity?  Offenses.  Satan is the Accuser of the Brethren and stands before God accusing us.  And if he's accusing us to God, you can be sure he's accusing us to one another.  He wants to create walls of hostility between us.  He doesn't want our lives to be a billboard which points the lost world to Jesus.  He hates unity.  We become a force to be reckoned with when we're unified--a well-equipped army with our true enemy as our target instead of one another.

I was talking to a friend yesterday and pointing out that she has thoughts rolling around her mind which the enemy has put there and she's never thought to stop them.  We have to take every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ.  EVERY thought!   It's our job to do that.  Become aware of what you're thinking!!  We've become passive when God has commanded us to be alert.

It's time to come in agreement with God.  We are not the enemy of one another.  If you have an offense against a brother, Matthew 18:15-16 is very straightforward about how you are to handle it.  We don't have time to waste being angry with one another or holding grudges against someone.  I know a church whose women can't even meet because there are so many offenses, they won't even be in the same room with one another.  One lady won't work with that lady in children's ministry.  Another lady won't pray with that lady in prayer meeting.  If so-and-so is going to that function, that lady won't go.  It's a MESS!  We don't have time for those kinds of messes.  God has clearly instructed us to take care of offenses, to walk in unity, and to love.  Jesus' last prayer on this earth was, "May they be one as We are One."

Be alert to what the enemy is doing in the world.  And be watchful because we have a true enemy...and it's not us.  

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How Busy Are You??

Or maybe I should burdened are you?  It feels the same, doesn't it?  Recently, I was at Beth Moore's conference in Lubbock, TX.  On the second day, she went into the audience to ask what we'd discovered about ourselves from her first session.  One lady stood up and told Beth that she'd come to the conference at the end of her rope.  (She began crying at this point.)  She was overwhelmed with life's problems and didn't know where to turn.  Beth wanted to pray over her and over other women in the audience who felt the same way, so she asked those women to stand.  I was as astonished as she was when nearly half of the women of the 7000-person crowd stood to their feet!  In fact, "Oh, wow!" escaped my lips before I could check my mouth.  It was astonishing to me that so many women were hurting so desperately.

Why am I talking about that kind of burden when I'm talking about busyness?  Because I believe busyness contributes to our burdens.  We are stressed-out people!!  We meet ourselves coming and going and if we have children at home, the burden of busyness increases.  But what if you are doing some of it to yourself?  Are you saying "yes" when you should be saying "no?"  Are you trying to afford your child every possible opportunity when they'd be happier (and probably more blessed) with some simple time with you?  Are you feeling responsible for things which God has not called you to carry?  Are you, like I found myself, in jobs which God hasn't called you to and which don't fit?

Years ago, I read the little pamphlet entitled The Tyranny of the Urgent.  I found it here.  I urge you to take the time to read it--it will be 15 minutes well-spent and may just hand you back some of the control you've lost.  Just know Satan will do everything in his power to cause you to stay in the endless cycle of busyness.  We're constantly hearing lies from him of how we need to be doing more.  If we take time out to rest, he tells us we need to get up and get busy.  He makes us feel guilty if we don't volunteer at church, at school, at work for extra hours or if our children don't have everything and every opportunity the neighbor kids have.  He knows how to motivate us to get us in over our heads--physically, financially, emotionally and especially, spiritually!  And just remember as you are reading Tyranny of the Urgent...Charles Hummel wrote this in 1967...before computers, cell phones, and everything technology brought with it.  Whether we like it or not, technology has increased our busyness.

I'm praying for you...for me...for all of us.  I'm praying we begin to listen to God to know what He's asking us to do.  I'm praying we finish well and can say before our death, "I've finished the work You've called me to do."  I'm praying we know.  That we know what God is calling us to do and that we do it well.  It's time for some satisfaction instead of a long list of guilt-induced accusations because we haven't gotten everything done--things which we were never supposed to do in the first place.  I'm praying for empowerment by the Spirit of God and pure fulfillment and joy--as we do the things we love and the things we are called to do!

"As they continued their travel, Jesus entered a village. A woman by the name of Martha welcomed him and made him feel quite at home. She had a sister, Mary, who sat before the Master, hanging on every word he said. But Martha was pulled away by all she had to do in the kitchen. Later, she stepped in, interrupting them. “Master, don’t you care that my sister has abandoned the kitchen to me? Tell her to lend me a hand.”
The Master said, “Martha, dear Martha, you’re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it—it’s the main course, and won’t be taken from her.”  Luke 10:40-42

Monday, July 21, 2014

So You're a Pastor's Wife

I've been burdened by the number of pastor's wives who are hurting, confused, or angry.  I've started a new blog just for pastor's wives (yes, that includes you if you're a staff wife and wonder if you're a pastor's wife--you are!).  In order to be a part of it, you'll have to email me ( your google email (or blogger) address to be added to this private blog--private for obvious reasons.  In this blog, I hope to encourage you, strengthen you, and help point you to Jesus.  I'll be doing a lot of the blogging but hope to have guests posts from veteran pastor's wives who know more than me.  You'll be able to ask questions or reply to posts--where we'll be able to encourage and help one another.  
If you know of a pastor's wife you think may need some encouragement, send her on over!  We need one another!!

A Daddy's Love

My friend, Logan Bidwell, posted this video on Facebook and I watched it and I cried...

This is the heart of every little girl...and every big girl.  They long for their daddy's love.  It's their first opportunity to know they're beautiful, wanted, and special.  Some of us had a wonderful daddy who showed us this kind of love.  I know many didn't.  But we all have a heavenly Daddy who is chasing us down to love us.  He's ringing our doorbell and waiting for us to open the door.  ( "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears and listens to and heeds My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will eat with him, and he [will eat] with Me."  Rev. 3:20)

This past week, I had an especially hard day.  I was really down.  So I sat down to journal.  Journaling is a way for me to work through issues by writing them down and processing them.  As I did, I looked up and saw this piece of art by Valerie Wieners which I keep by my "quiet time" chair.

God began whispering over and over into my heart how much He loved me.  As I received that word into my heart, my heart melted. 

Don't we all long to know we have a Daddy who loves us?  A Daddy who thinks we're special enough to dress up for?  Who really, really wants to spend time with us?  We do.  I've found that God is constantly inviting me to spend time with Him.  He invites me into His tabernacle--a place designed for intimacy--so He can speak into my heart and often, change my perspective of me.  He longs for us to know this truth:  He loves us.  We are priceless.  He is inviting us into His presence for an intimate time with Him.  He is searching for us, pursuing us and will be relentless until we stop and turn to Him.  

In this video, I love how the little girl is so excited!  She points out her new shoes to her daddy.  And she's content just to be with him...eating, swinging, sliding...nothing special and yet everything she could possibly long for.  It's enough to be with a daddy who loves her, adores her, delights in her, and longs for her to know his love.

We have a Daddy just like that.  And we are His.

"See what [an incredible] quality of love the Father has given (shown, bestowed on) us, that we should [be permitted to] be named and called and counted the children of God! And so we are!"
I John 3:1a

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Who Am I?

Or you might ask, "Why am I here?" or "What is God's purpose for my life?"  These are all valid questions...and questions God desires to answer in all of our lives.  We've all asked them at one time or another.  But have you pursued the answer with all of your heart...and in truth?

For the past seven months, I've been on a journey to find the answer to those questions.  I'd moved from Borger, where I'd lived for 26 years and was very comfortable with my role Groom, where I was experiencing being a senior pastor's wife for the first time.  It was forcing me to press in to God for answers.

Recently, Jay & Amy (son-in-law & daughter) were here and Amy showed me a book they were reading for their book club.  I was very interested.  It was "The Person Called You" by Bill Hendricks (son of Howard Hendricks of Dallas Theological, for those who knew him).  Bill Hendricks is a member of All Saints Church of Dallas where Jay serves as assistant pastor and worship leader.  In fact, I met Bill when Jay & Amy were moving into their house.  Bill and his wife, Lynn, helped them move.  When we ate lunch that day, Jay invited Bill to share with me and my mom what he does for a living.  Bill  is a consultant who helps people discover their giftings and helps them make critical career decisions.  He is President of The Giftedness Center which he founded.  I was fascinated by what he told us that day.  So when I saw the book, I had to have it.  I cannot recommend it enough!  Get it for yourself, your spouse and your young adult won't regret it.  It would also be the perfect gift for someone beginning their career search.  All you need is the book, a notebook, a good friend and an open heart to begin to understand who you are and what you are called to do.

And then I went to hear Beth Moore in Lubbock with some women from my church.  She spoke on, "Know Who You Are....and Who You Are Not!"  Because of a homework assignment she gave us that first session, I began to see who I was not.  I also began to realize at that conference that God was pursuing me.  He was pressing in so that I would press in to Him.

After that conference, someone who knows me well and has the gift of mercy combined with a gracious spirit asked if she could be my "Jethro" and speak into my life.  If you knew her, you'd know this was so out of character for her, you'd have to (and want to) perk up and pay attention!!  Her advice to me was to find what I should do and let the rest go.  She told me I had to learn to say "No."  I was burning myself out...and I knew it.

But the reason I was burning myself out was because I wasn't even remotely involved in anything that included my giftings.  I wasn't being fulfilled.  I was giving out of areas which were work to me.  It's ok to do that as a sacrifice and service to God and the body of Christ, but if that's all you do, you'll burn out...quickly!

God in His great mercy and grace began to unfold through these things (and a lifetime of events) who I am and His purpose in creating me.  Oh!  How He wants us to know!  He desires for us to fulfill the purpose for which He created us.  He has GIFTED us--for the body of Christ.  The body could potentially miss out on something wonderful if we never discover our purpose or our giftings.  He wants us to experience as much pleasure as He does over who we are and what He created us to be.

My life has been a journey.  As I've sat and journaled where I've been, who and what God has used to shape me, who I am not and what has become a burden to me, a beautiful thing has emerged:  Me.  A person uniquely gifted for the body of Christ.  I would have felt presumptuous saying that even a week ago.  But in the unwrapping and unveiling of who I am, God has also shifted my focus from me to Him.  I'm not beautiful because of anything I've done or created.  I'm beautiful because of God's unique design of me.  And I'll be even more beautiful as I fulfill what He has created me to do.

"You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy, at Your right hand there are pleasures for evermore."  
Psalm 16:11

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The B.T.C. Old Fashioned Grocery Cookbook by Alexe Van Beuren

The B.T.C. Old-Fashioned Grocery CookBook by Alexe Van Beuren with recipes by Dixie Grimes is the first cookbook I've ever reviewed.  And I loved it!!  I enjoyed looking through the book and reading the story of how Alexe opened her grocery store, what it was like and how the cafe evolved...thanks to Dixie.  She'd hired 5 different cooks and was about to fire the 5th when Dixie walked in wearing jeans and a ball cap and Alexe hired her on the spot because she needed some meat sliced.  That was the best decision she ever made.  Dixie had been professionally trained and her recipes began drawing people into the cafe.

I loved the photos in the cookbook, Alexe's stories written midst the recipes and learning more about B.T.C. (Be The Change) Old Fashioned Grocery.  B.T.C. is in Water Valley, Mississippi...a small town of 3500 people.  Alexe's descriptions of her town and her grocery/cafe just made me want to jump in my car and visit Water Valley just to buy some of her beautiful, red tomatoes!  In fact, Alexe reminded me a lot of The Pioneer Woman with her writing and her vision.

Dixie sounds like a wonder.  There are recipes for biscuits and gravy (familiar to me) to Grillades (unfamiliar to me).  There are many recipes in this cookbook I'd like to try--and many, we're told, have become favorites of Water Valley.

Get the cookbook.  You'll feel like you've found new friends---in the small town of Water Valley, Mississippi.  I'd give this book 5 out of 5 stars! You can read the first chapter here.

I received this book for free from BLOGGING FOR BOOKS for this review.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Sanders Family Fun Day Pt. 2

WARNING:  Photo Overload Ahead!!

After spending the afternoon at Gary & Amy's home, we made our way to Wonderland Park.  As you'll see in the photos, we all gathered at the gate and it's the last time I saw some of the family during the evening.  The only rule was that the kids had to stay with an adult.  But you'll see that they switched between adults during the evening, too.  It just depended on who was willing to ride the rides.  The kids all know Aunt Amy (Gary's wife) is up for anything!

Everyone at the gate.  Left to right:  Andy, Isaac (Amy's), Ryan (David's), Josiah (Amy's), 
David & Amy

Zach, Mom, Isaac, Alexis (Matt's)

Alexis & Caitlin (Matt's), Amy, Sarah

Sarah Nichole, Sarah, Benjamin, Nathan, Scott, Matt

Sarah, Nathan, Sandra, Scott

Finally together and Gary is giving us instructions.
David and Gary.

Addie (David's), David, Josiah (Amy's)

These boys can hardly wait!  (The big boys, too.)
Benjamin, Isaac, Josiah, Matt, David

I started off with Olivia (Amy's) & Addie (David's).  They wanted to go on the Tilt-a-Whirl first thing.  We were laughing hysterically...until it went a couple of minutes too long.  We all felt sick afterwards.  Not a great start!  The girls quickly recovered.  It took me a bit longer.

Gus (Zach's) and Shanna.

Top:  Lindsey & Hadassah (Amy's), Olivia (Amy's) and Amy
Left: Amy & Gus (Zach's), Jay & Olivia, Lindsey, Hadassah & Addie
Right:  Olivia (Amy's) & Addie (David's)

Back:  Sarah & Amy
Front:  Olivia & Addie

This was Dax & Dassie's first time down the log ride.  They're both 3-years-old...and they LOVED it!

Gus (Zach's) and Dassie (Amy's)

I went down the big log ride with Sarah, Scott, Ben, and Gary.  We all had our hands in the air except Gary--he was ducking.  We were SOAKED from head to toe for most of the evening.  (Ducking doesn't help!)

Hadassah or Dassie (Amy's)


The boys thought Granny was cool in her cap!

One of the times I met up with the boys.  They ran from one ride to the next!
David, Ryan (David's) and Josiah (Amy's)

Amy, Zach & Alexis (Matt's)

Scott & Sarah.  I saw Sarah at one point with the young boys.  Apparently, she's good to go with on the big roller coasters, too!

Dax was so sleepy!!  But he wasn't about to miss a thing!  Funny story:  He rode this car several times because he thought it was Finn from "Cars."  One time a little girl was in the front seat and he tried to make her get out.  He even told the attendant she had to get out.  It didn't work.
Dax & Gus (both Zach's)

I love this photo.  Addie & Olivia with their hands in the air on the cars.

Gus & I stopped for funnel cake.  We posted it on Instagram and family came running to join us!

Shanna, Andy & Gus

Uncle Gary with his tongue hanging out trying to keep up with the kids!

Cousins on the car.
Dassie (Amy's), Addie (David's) & Olivia (Amy's)

Caitlin & Alexis (Matt's) about to go on the Fantastic Journey.  (Why does that ride still cost extra tickets??)  

Uncle Matt & Gus (Zach's)

Amy & Josiah (Amy's), Matt & Dax (Zach's)

Dassie, Olivia & Addie

David & Lindsey

Drop of Fear!
Alexis & Caitlin (Matt's)
Matt & Sarah Nichole

This was Dax's face on every ride--the faster, the better!
Zach & Dax

Josiah (Amy's) & Andy
Matt & Amy

Ryan (David's)

Ride buddies
Dax (Zach's) & Dassie (Amy's)

Lindsey had to pose holding up the roller coaster--a perfect picture of what her life is like right now.  She and the kids made their move to Tyler, TX the next day.  David will follow this Thursday.

As we were leaving the park and as the lights were being shut off, Matt told us he'd lost his car key.  We split up and began looking at rides and asking attendants to look.  And we prayed.  An attendant found the key under the tunnel of Texas Tornado.  A true miracle!!

Jay & Amy and their kids left the park and headed through downtown to get to I-40 and a guy turned in front of them and smashed their car.  It was pretty traumatic.  It's actually much worse than this photo shows.  But the good news was there were no injuries and the van was still drivable so they could drive back to Dallas the next day.

But the highlight of our night was when Dax rode the Frog Hopper.  Remember how tired I said he was?  Watch...

Monday, July 7, 2014

Sanders Family Fun Day Part 1

It's become a tradition.  Every summer, my brother, Gary, and his wife, Amy, host our Sanders Family Fun Day!  We started having it at their cabin in Ruidoso but since so many had scattered and it was hard to get everyone together for that many days, we shortened it to one day.  We begin at their home in Amarillo with a meal and water fun for the kids and then an evening at Wonderland Park.  As you'll be able to tell...we have a BLAST!  My grandkids are at the perfect age for Wonderland so they especially love this time.  But honestly, I don't know who has more fun--the kids or the adults!  I have so many photos from the day that I'm doing it in two parts--Part 1 is the time we enjoyed at Gary & Amy's home--with fajitas and snow cones!

Water fun began before the meal!

We all gathered in the house for prayer before the meal.

Gary giving us instructions.

Amy in the background making preparations.
Zach, David, Amy, Shanna, Andy, Benjamin

Everyone allowed Andy to go first.  Senior adult, you know...
Andy, Benjamin, & Isaac (Amy's)

These two cousins don't get to see one another very often.  Caitlin is my oldest granddaughter (15) and Hadassah is 3.

Olivia (Amy's) brought a gift to Aunt Amy.

Finding a place to eat.

Lots of cousin time took place.
Nathan, Scott, Sarah, David

Amy & Sandra

Gary, Zach & Jay

Lindsey, the two Sarah's and Amy

Visiting--three brothers and Alexis.
David, Zach, Matt & Alexis

The kids had a blast!  Gus (in front) is my youngest grandchild at almost 2 years old.

Catching up with family.
Matt, Alexis, Sarah, Sandra, Sarah Nichole, Scott

Amy made snow cones for everyone.  She was the pro back in the day of Summer Snow!
The snow cones were a huge hit--with everyone!

Even Andy...

Lots of measuring goes on with kids... 
Benjamin & Isaac

And aunts and nieces.
Lindsey & Alexis

Crazy boys ready for Wonderland!
Ryan (David's), Josiah & Isaac (Amy's) & Benjamin (Sandra's)

I love this photo!  It seems every time we gather our grandkids for a photo with us, my nephew, Benjamin (far right in back), joins us.  He thinks he's ours...and I love it!
Back:  Ryan (David's), Josiah & Isaac (Amy's), Benjamin (Sandra's)
Front:  Addie (David's), Caitlin (Matt's), Dax (Zach's), Becky, Gus (Zach's), Andy, Alexis (Matt's), Olivia & Dassie (Amy's)

Andy & I with our 10 grandkids

Dax & Shanna

My mom with her 8 of her 10 grandkids.  Her grandkids range in age from 40 to 11.
Back:  Scott, Nathan, Zach, David
Front:  Benjamin, Sarah, Granny, Amy, Matt

Mom with grandkids and their spouses.

The whole Lindon Sanders family who attended.  (We were missing 4.)  I LOVE my family!!!  I don't mind telling you...they're the BEST!  We have the best family in the world.  You may think you do...but we really do!