Monday, April 7, 2014

Our Youth

 Last night, our church hosted the Top O' Texas Baptist Associational meeting.  People from about 17 different churches were here at First Baptist Church Groom for the Sunday evening meeting and meal.  Andy made an announcement this Sunday morning that he was hoping some of our people could come about 30 minutes early and be available to direct people to bathrooms, help them find seats, or just give them directions to the activity center for the meal after the meeting.  That was just in a little information blurb after the morning service.  We were overwhelmed by the response.  First of all, you have to understand that it's generally senior adults who attend these associational meetings.  But we had probably a dozen young people show up 30 minutes early and also many of our adults.  Andy quickly gave them instruction and they began handing out bulletins, greeting, giving instructions, giving up their seats for others (and sitting or standing at the back of the church), and just generally being helpful.

Youth intermingled with our adults at the back of the church.

Youth in leadership at our church.

I don't know if you've been around many young people lately, but it's so hard getting them to interact with adults.  Not these guys!!  I've never been so proud in all my life!!  Andy divided these guys up by twos and placed them all over the church after the service.  Two-by-two they were standing at various places in our church to give directions, welcome our guests, and just be helpful.  AND THEY DID!  These young people were looking senior adults in the eye, shaking their hands and welcoming them to FBC Groom.  I was amazed.  Not only did they greet others, but they stood back and waited to make sure we were going to have enough food and seats for our guests and were some of the last people served.  (We had more people come than expected!)  And because we knew during the service that we had more people than expected, some of our young men helped us set up more tables and ran with me to my house to get more chairs.  They stepped up to the plate.  I knew these guys were great, but I've never seen a group of youth shine like these did last night!  I was so proud.

And then last night and today, we've heard nothing but praises for their excellence in serving and greeting.  We've made a bunch of Baptists jealous over our youth group.  We didn't set out to do that, but we just can't help ourselves.  ;)

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