Friday, June 3, 2011


You know...God is changing my whole view on the mess-ups in our lives.  I used to see them as huge defeats, pig wallows, or dark holes to climb out of.  But God has been teaching me that they're nothing more than grand opportunities of redemption for Him.  Yes, they can be devastating--not just for us, but for other people our mess-ups may touch.  But they shouldn't be something we linger over for long.  We need to just step back, ask God (and maybe others) for forgiveness, and then ask God to redeem.  Then we wait and watch.  Oh!  And one other thing:  we should be willing to learn from them.

The mess-ups of our lives can become glorious things.  They display the grace, mercy, redemption, and sometimes, longsuffering, of God when we give them to Him.

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