Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kids & Missions

I had so much fun speaking to a bunch of kids last week at VBS.  I was invited to come and tell them about the missions we do at Living Water.  I had kids 3 years old to 6th grade.  I prayed and prayed about how to tell children about Living Water.  I figured what we did would be over most of their heads---and might not really translate "missions" to them.

But I started out asking them how many of them were rich.  Of course, not many raised their hands.  If they did consider themselves rich, it would be impolite to say so.  Then I began showing them photos of children around the world and in the United States who didn't have clothes, food, or a house to live in.  They didn't even have toys to play with.  I showed them a photo of a boy about 9-years-old who had made a car out of a milk carton---and was grinning as he showed it to the camera. 

Then...even I was amazed as I asked the kindergartners-6th graders how many of them had a Wii in their homes.  I'd say 98% of each group (or more) raised their hands.  Astounding.  I asked how many had food to eat each meal.  100%.  I asked how many had a closet full of clothes.  100%.  I asked how many had a house to live in.  100%.  Then I asked many of you are rich?  Some of the kids got it.  And they raised their hands.  But some kids had to be convinced that they were richer than 98% of the world because they had those things.

I encouraged them to share.  Share what they had---because they were rich.  I think they got it!   Kids really do have big hearts and it doesn't take much to encourage them to share with those who have less.


amy wright said...

Now if only our hearts would grow bigger each year as we grow older.

Lindsey said...

I'm so glad you were there to share with those kids, mine included. Such a great lesson for all of us...especially if we learn it early in life!