Monday, April 11, 2011

Rotten fruit juice, anyone?

Have you ever taken a big ol' drink of juice---that is rotten?  Oh my goodness---what a shock!  I can remember one time when I was in another country and was offered a really dirty glass of bad-looking juice.  Those times, you have to drink so as not to offend your host.  It was horrible--fermented, nasty juice. 
I'm afraid sometimes when I'm squeezed, that's what I produce.  Instead of the beautiful fruit of the Spirit, something putrid comes out.  And there's even times when I'm doing the squeezing.  I put so much pressure on myself to please those around me, that I'm squeezed beyond what I have to offer.  Then there's not much left to give--and what does come out isn't worth having.

Oh God, control me by Your Spirit!  Let fresh fruit grow in and from me daily.  Let what I offer to others be a sweet nectar.  Get me out of the way so what I offer is You.  And let it satisfy.

1 comment:

Kara said...

WOW. I so want good, sweet fruit to grow in me! Thank you for speaking truth.