Tuesday, February 14, 2017

What Does Love Look Like?


Does true love make your heart go pitter patter all day long?  Is it poetic words every evening?  Is it a feeling?  God commanded us to love one another. So I'm pretty sure He wasn't commanding us to have a feeling--because some of us are feelers and some are not. In my opinion, this is what love looks like...

❤ Going to work every morning--whether you feel like it or not. 
❤ Washing one load of laundry after another. 
❤ Taking your family on a vacation. 
❤ Mowing the yard all summer long. Shoveling snow all winter long. 
❤ Getting up with the babies at night.
❤ Cooking dinner for your family--even when you've run out of new ideas. 
❤ Suggesting we order pizza. 
❤ Laughing hysterically together. 
❤ Taking care of sick children. 
❤ Going to Taco Bell at midnight for your pregnant wife. 
❤ Being quiet when you're irritated. 
❤ Challenging your spouse to "go for it!"
❤ Cleaning house.
❤ Watching TV together. 
❤ Praying. 
❤ Preparing meals for a month and freezing them. 
❤ Defending each other
❤ Throwing dirty clothes in the dirty clothes basket. 
❤ Appreciating small gestures. 
❤ Hiring a babysitter. 
❤ A cup of coffee just the way you like it. 
❤ Closing cabinet doors. 
❤ Sharing the last few dollars in your wallet for what the other wants. 
❤ Taking care of the kids so your spouse can spend the evening with friends. 
❤ Using coupons at the grocery store to save money. 
❤ Words of encouragement. 
❤ Not being a backseat driver. 
❤ Asking forgiveness. 
❤ Keeping your house at the temperature your spouse likes. 
❤ Going to the movies together. 
❤ Ironing. 
❤ Holding hands. 

These are just a few ways love has been expressed in our home. It's all the little things. The fairy tales would have us believe it's being swept off our feet, a beautiful damsel, a knight in shining armor, and happily ever after. But it's better than that. It's pajamas at 6 PM and eating leftovers. It's a knowing look you share or speaking in code that makes your spouse break out in hysterical laughter! It's teaching your children shared values and emphasizing them over and over. It's rising up like a lion when the other has been attacked. It's the little things. It may be big things. It's the every day--not just the special days.

Friday, February 10, 2017


We moms might joke about renting out our kids when we're overwhelmed or fed up...but losing our kids is actually one of our greatest fears!  When we hear of a kidnapping, child trafficking, or lost child we tend to hug our kids a little tighter. It's also the reason we so quickly share the posts of a lost child on Facebook--we can't imagine the heartache those parents are walking through. And then we warn our kids all over again that there are bad people out there and that they need to know what to do if they're ever afraid or in a bad situation. 

God said over and over, "Be Holy as I am holy."  He wasn't telling us to be perfect. He was telling us to keep ourselves set apart from the world--the bad, mean world that can kidnap our hearts. In reality, He was saying, "Stay close to Me!!  Don't stray away from My side where I can watch you and take care of you. You belong to me."  He was acting like any good parent wanting to protect His kids!  He knows there are evil things in this world which will corrupt us, damage us, hurt us, and take us places we don't really want to go!  His admonition is meant to protect us--not burden us down with unrealistic expectations. 

Be holy. Be set apart from the world. Stay close to God's side--for your own welfare, safety & protection.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017



I'm starting a project on February 14th. It's called #godslove365. I intend to take a photo a day which demotes God's love to me. It can be ANYTHING!  A spectacular sunrise, or...

My church's praise team worshiping, or...


My husband and a former coach (Jeep Webb)--who demonstrated the love of God!), or...



What I hope this will do is keep me focused on God's love--and the many different ways my day is filled with it. I want to be more proactive  in looking for and acknowledging His love.  

Join me!!!  This isn't about being a great photographer--it's about becoming more aware of God's love. But what better way to improve your photography skills than taking a photo a day!  You can keep it simple with your phone camera or you can dust off that expensive camera you own and get creative with PhotoShop!  This isn't meant to be legalistic or become burdensome. If you want to join the project and just do it occasionally, that's OK, too!  The main point is to be LOOKING for the love of God every day. And use the hashtag #godslove365 each time so we can see God's love in your world. 




I'm starting a project on February 14th. It's called #godslove365. I intend to take a photo a day which demotes God's love to me. It can be ANYTHING!  A spectacular sunrise, or...

My church's praise team worshiping, or...


My husband and a former coach (Jeep Webb)--who demonstrated the love of God!), or...



What I hope this will do is keep me focused on God's love--and the many different ways my day is filled with it. I want to be more proactive  in looking for and acknowledging His love.  

Join me!!!  This isn't about being a great photographer--it's about becoming more aware of God's love. But what better way to improve your photography skills than taking a photo a day!  You can keep it simple with your phone camera or you can dust off that expensive camera you own and get creative with PhotoShop!  This isn't meant to be legalistic or become burdensome. If you want to join the project and just do it occasionally, that's OK, too!  The main point is to be LOOKING for the love of God every day. And use the hashtag #godslove365 each time so we can see God's love in your world. 


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Whose Side am I On?

Am I for protecting our borders?  Yes. Am I for helping refugees?  Yes. Am I for helping our veterans?  Yes. Am I for buying from companies which are being hit because they believe the Bible?  Yes. Am I for Israel?  Absolutely yes!  I don't see these things as mutually exclusive. I'm trying to see them through the eyes of Jesus. 

I hate the political rhetoric which is going on that is so divisive. I don't agree with everyone--obviously. I'm also not demanding you agree with me. I love lots of people with opposing views and would never stoop to trashing them or calling them names. It's called respect. 

You know...they say you can tell what a person believes by checking their bank account. I'm trying to make sure I'm giving not only to my local church but to the things I believe in. Can I tell you a story at the risk of tooting my own horn? Because that's not the reason I'm telling it. I was as surprised as anyone at this turn of events. 

I was in Amarillo recently and saw a sign for gas for $1.92/gallon. I quickly got off the interstate to fill up. Now I knew this was a Walmart I probably shouldn't go to since there had been a shooting there recently, but I thought the gas pump would be ok. As I was leaving, a Muslim woman was standing there with her baby with a sign asking for help. I didn't think--my eyes looked into hers and I stopped. I don't usually have cash, but I knew I did this day. I'd just arranged my money in my wallet while I waited for my car to fill up!  I motioned for her to come to the car (I couldn't get to her) and I reached for my purse and gave her everything I had. It wasn't much. She began thanking me profusely as I told her Jesus loved her. 

As I drove away, I felt the pleasure of God. Honestly, I wasn't thinking about anything. I saw a mother who needed help. And I knew in my heart that it's just about helping each person God puts in MY path--a refugee, a veteran, a company under attack, or Israel. I hope my heart grows more and more compassionate--and that I always have cash in my wallet!

So instead of debating, I'm encouraging you to just look for an opportunity--there's plenty to go around!!!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Gib Welch


Gib Welch is with Jesus now--he finished a well-run race!  Gib was one of the wisest men I ever knew and I was privileged to learn from him. 

I began working as the director of Living Water, a benevolence ministry, in 2007.   Lots of volunteers were already in place, including Gib, who was the manager of the food room. I forget what his title was when he worked at Phillips 66--but I know he trained leaders for the company. Training leaders was a job he never quit. I came in to Living Water immediately making some changes. One man in particular was prepared to fight the changes I was implementing. But Gib....  But Gib stepped up and fiercely voiced that I was going to be given the chance to make changes and he thought they would be good. Every once in awhile, I'd hear that other guy make a snide comment, but Gib would quiet him with his humorous way. The rest of my tenure went just like that. Gib had my back. 

Wednesdays were the day that Gib & Herman Mos came to organize the food room and to prepare what went in the food bags that week. It was also "order food from the Food Bank" day. They'd take a break mid-morning and I'd go sit down and drink a cup of coffee with them. It didn't take me long to realize what a wealth of wisdom was available to me and I began picking their brains and asking them questions. These men had hearts of gold and were full of wise counsel. Anytime I had a "situation" at Living Water, I would pull Gib aside and quietly ask for his advice on how to handle it. I knew he wanted to step in and "fix" things for me, but instead he would offer his counsel and then promise to pray for me as I dealt with the situation. 

Gib often preached or sang at our services at Living Water. And he never did either without committing a lot of time in prayer for both. As a result, there was never a time when Gib preached that lots of people didn't give their lives to Jesus!  He was an evangelist, for sure!!  I remember one week that 14 people gave their hearts to Jesus. We were all overwhelmed--but Gib most of all!

It wasn't until I left Living Water that I could look back and see all God had done in my life. It was the place where God began uncovering and revealing my gifts to me.  But He used two very wise, loyal friends to breathe life into me and show me what I was fully capable of. I owe a debt of gratitude to Gib Welch & Herman Mos. They knew I could before I did. They were my champions here on earth and now I can hear them cheering from heaven!  They both made eternal investments in me and many others. They made me believe I could do anything. 

I love those guys.