Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Body in Pain

I remember looking outside the hospital window the day my dad died.  I thought, "It's so weird that so many people are going on with their day 'as usual' when something so catastrophic has just happened!"

I'm wondering if the body of Christ in the Middle East--and particularly, in Syria--are thinking the same thing?    Not long ago, I heard someone who was talking about the last days say that everyone around the world may not experience persecution, but if one person in the body of Christ does, it's still the body of Christ experiencing persecution.  The New Testament teaches over and over how believers are one body.

God even gave me an example last night.  I woke up about 3:00 AM with an ice-pick-pain in my upper right knee.  The pain not only woke me up, but it was a well-regulated pain about every 30 seconds.  There was no way I could sleep! I tried pressing down on it, stretching it, moving it...but it was persistent!  I finally got up and Googled knee pain (I don't recommend googling an ailment!).  I realized I was sitting cross-legged (like I normally do) as I browsed the internet and assumed that could be part of my problem.  When I laid back down in bed, the pain was gone.  The point little nerve with ice-pick-pain was enough to keep me from sleeping.  When one part of the body hurts, the whole body hurts.

We have brothers and sisters in Christ in pain today.  We could just as easily have been born in Syria as in the USA.  But we weren't.  That doesn't mean we should be immune from the pain our body is suffering.

Let's pray.  Let's ask God to spare them sorrow upon sorrow.  The God who drove the enemy into the Red Sea is still alive!  The God who covered the Israelites from a pursuing, marauding army with a cloud can do anything.  The God who swallowed the enemy into the earth is just as powerful today.  He's waiting to be asked.  He cares about our brothers and sisters who are suffering.  ASK.  Ask God to intervene.  Ask Him to take this ice-pick-pain away.  And don't stop asking!  Please don't stop.

And give.  I know there are hundreds of us who want to help--we just don't know how.  I can highly recommend a ministry located in Israel who not only helps Israelis, but also shows the love of Christ to Palestinians and Muslims.  When you give to them, they are helping with the very basic needs of the people.  They're feeding them, relocating them, and helping in numerous ways.  You can go here to give to the Joshua Fund and help many in the Middle East.

But most of all, don't go on with your day "as usual."  Ask God to stir your heart for what is happening in the body of Christ--your body.  Pray, give, and stay aware to know how to pray.

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