Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Prowling Lion

Prowling Lion

There are some things we can learn from the physical world and apply in the spiritual world. When you face a prowling lion, here are things you should do:

•Do not run: Running triggers a lion’s predatory instinct to chase and attack. 

•Maintain eye contact: This shows the lion you are aware of its presence and are not a typical prey animal. 

•Make noise: Shout loudly, clap your hands, or wave your arms to appear threatening. 

•Back away slowly: If possible, back away slowly while maintaining eye contact. 

•Appear big: Stand upright, raise your arms, puff out your chest to appear larger than you are. 

•If it charges: Stand your ground, and try to intimidate it with loud noises and aggressive behavior. 

If Satan prowls, don’t run!!!  Stand firm. Humble yourself before God—but resist the devil. Make loud noises in prayer. Cry out to God! Make yourself BIG! You have authority over this enemy. Look him in the eye and stare him down. And stand firm again. 

This lion is on the loose and trying to intimidate, bully, control, manipulate, attack, steal your name and integrity, kill your church, and destroy your marriage. We CAN’T run from him!!!  If we do, he attacks and wins. We have to face him, look him in the eye, and defeat him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. We can and should declare the Word of God and pray. We must stand in faith. 

God tells us over and over to “Stand firm.” So…let’s STAND FIRM!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Darling of Heaven

Have you ever paid attention to these words in “Worthy is the Lamb?” 

High and lifted up
Jesus Son of GodThe Darling of Heaven crucifiedWorthy is the LambWorthy is the Lamb

As we sang this song this past Sunday, it hit me! The Darling of Heaven was crucified. Jesus. The favored Son. The Beloved Son. All of heaven knew how loved He was, and yet…they don’t hate us! He died because of US and our sin. The angels in heaven knew His assignment was to restore US to the Father! You would think if the favored child had to die for us, the angels of heaven would hate us. You’d think the Father would be grieved. Instead…we’re loved. Wer’e blessed. We’re accepted. We’re favored. We’re CHOSEN! All of heaven watched the Darling of Heaven as He was crucified. They knew it was the Father’s will. And then as Jesus rose from the grave, they CHEERED! They knew God’s plan and path for us to come to heaven was complete. How can we not choose the Darling of Heaven?

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Submit and Resist

How many times do we get this backwards? We resist God and submit to the devil. 

To submit is to get in military order, to obey, to submit to one’s control, to yield. God is KING. But He gives us the choice whether we come under His authority and His command. We don’t have to—He’ll let us control. But everything will be completely out of order. 

To resist is to set oneself against, to oppose, withstand. We have to oppose Satan and his plan. This is an active duty. It may be as simple as saying, “No!” But it may be as involved as going into a season of prayer and fasting and quoting scripture out loud (giving the Spirit a sword to wield). 

When we take control, we are submitting to the enemy and resisting God. Stop and think about it. When YOU want control, you are resisting God—and submitting to the devil, who is the ultimate resister of God. Chaos will reign. But when we come under God’s authority and fight the enemy, we draw near to God and He races to us—like a magnet being attracted to metal. The battle may still rage, but we know we are protected and loved. We know God is in control and He is a fierce Warrior…and a benevolent King. He will come to you. He will guard and protect you. 

We have a choice. There WILL be submission—either to God or the enemy. There’s no middle ground. And there WILL be resisting. We just have a choice whom we’ll resist. It’s bigger than just order or chaos. It’s a matter of allegiance.  

Thursday, February 13, 2025


When someone is a bully or is hateful—or just plain MEAN—don’t we want God to send fire from heaven to consume them? Or at the very least, pack them off to Siberia where they can’t touch us any more?!? I may be more tolerant if it happens to me than if it happens to someone close to me. I can become a mama bear when you hurt someone I love!

There’s a verse that won’t leave my mind—it’s been rolling around in there for days.  Romans 2:4 says,  “Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?” It’s God’s GOODNESS that causes people to repent. I believe most people expect God’s wrath. So what is their reaction when God moves in with goodness and kindness? It stuns them. They’re faced with a loving God who offers repentance. And they have a choice to make. 

I want to be like that, don’t you??  God tells us to “love our enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” Matthew 5:44 is pretty straightforward, isn’t it? But it’s not what our flesh wants to do…at all. It’s only by the Spirit of God that we can be good—goodness is a fruit of the Spirit. We CAN’T offer true goodness on our own. So maybe God’s goodness, by His Spirit, comes through us!

The bottom line is this: do we want people to find Jesus? Do we want to see hearts repent? Do we want lives completely changed? Families changed? Churches changed? Towns changed? Then offer God’s goodness when you’re wronged…it’s what leads to repentance.  

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Fasting for the First Time

It was probably 35 years ago. I hadn’t grown up knowing about fasting. I mean, I’d heard of Esther telling Mordecai to call the Jewish people to a fast before she went before King Ahasuerus to save their lives. But I’d never known anyone who fasted and talked about it. But I was desperate. Our finances were a mess. We were in over our heads with no way out. Looking back, I’m sure I talked about it all the time with our friends. In fact, a friend later asked why I hadn’t gotten a job. I don’t know. My theology was way off about women working. Plus, I was out to prove a family could live on one income while a mom stayed home. So there was pride, too.  

So I decided to fast and pray about our finances. I chose a 7-day no-food fast. The first couple of days were a little difficult—but that third day was a killer!  I later learned that’s the day all the toxins leave your body. I had a headache that wouldn’t quit! I certainly didn’t do much praying that day. But that fourth day? It’s like everything came into focus. I was spending time with God, listening, watching, waiting. And at the end of that seventh day, I was sad to break my fast. But I did.  

My finances didn’t change immediately…but I did. Later, a friend told me her husband asked, “What happened to Becky? She seems so peaceful!”  I guess I’d quit talking about my finances. I’d gotten a new perspective—God was in control all along. And He knew the way out of our mess. It was also the beginning of my changing theology. I began to see the Word through God’s lens of love and grace.  

Everything didn’t change at once. But everything changed. And, I believe fasting is what set things in motion. Since then, I’ve done other fasts. I’ve done a Daniel fast consisting of vegetables, fruit, and water. I’ve done a social media fast by turning it all off.  The goal of the fast is to bring your pressing, immediate needs before a God who loves you and cares about every detail of your life. He wants to hear your concerns. He wants you to get a perspective of Who He is and what He can do. He wants you to see His great power!! And He wants you to get out of the way. 

Fasting may not change your circumstances immediately (and it may!)…but I can promise it will change you. It may even save a nation.