Have you ever paid attention to these words in “Worthy is the Lamb?”
High and lifted up
Jesus Son of GodThe Darling of Heaven crucifiedWorthy is the LambWorthy is the Lamb
As we sang this song this past Sunday, it hit me! The Darling of Heaven was crucified. Jesus. The favored Son. The Beloved Son. All of heaven knew how loved He was, and yet…they don’t hate us! He died because of US and our sin. The angels in heaven knew His assignment was to restore US to the Father! You would think if the favored child had to die for us, the angels of heaven would hate us. You’d think the Father would be grieved. Instead…we’re loved. Wer’e blessed. We’re accepted. We’re favored. We’re CHOSEN! All of heaven watched the Darling of Heaven as He was crucified. They knew it was the Father’s will. And then as Jesus rose from the grave, they CHEERED! They knew God’s plan and path for us to come to heaven was complete. How can we not choose the Darling of Heaven?
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