Thursday, January 18, 2024

Way • Truth • Life

I was searching. I was married. I had four kids. We were in the ministry. But I was asking, “Is this it? Is this all there is?” There was a longing in me for MORE, for purpose, for LIFE!

I remember I was reading the 14th chapter in the book of John. I read these words, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. This thought came to me: “That is a progressive statement!”  We have to know Jesus as the WAY to the Father…and then we have to go through TRUTH…to experience LIFE! Jesus is all of these things. But I saw it so clearly—if I wanted abundant life, I needed to embrace truth!

That began my search for truth. There were so many mile markers pointing to truth in those days. God used people like Major Ian Thomas, Peter Lord and Bill & Anabel Gillham. He used books like Love Hunger by Minirth & Meier, Surprised by the Power of the Spirit by Jack Deere, and Classic Christianity by Bob George—and so much more! But the Holy Spirit was my best teacher. It’s like my mind was a funnel and opened in a new way to receive truth. I was on a journey—searching for truth. Every day I’d ask God to lead me to truth and keep me in truth. Truth became the key that unlocked every door.  God taught me so much. My friends at that time were so tolerant—truth was in every conversation. Truth was changing me. 

Truth brought abundant life. Scripture changed before my very eyes.  What had once been a rule book to strictly follow was now the life and breath of freedom! God LOVED me! He wasn’t waiting on me to fall and mess up so he could discipline me. I was His favored child whom He loved deeply and was there to help me grow and overcome every lie Satan had planted in my mind—and there were many. I was being set free. Truth brings freedom. “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32. 

How is my life different? I recognize the lies of the enemy much faster. Satan brings fear…Jesus brings abundant life. If I’m fearing, I need to drop everything and run to Jesus and His truth! I still chase truth—and will until I die. It’s constantly changing me, transforming me, and rearranging what I’ve been taught or thought on my own. None of us has all truth which is why we need a good teacher—the Holy Spirit. Truth brings peace and abundant life. Interestingly, there is a holy discontent because of truth. I’m not satisfied to stay where I am. I constantly want more!

Are you satisfied where you are or are you asking, “Is this all there is?” Ask God for truth. You’ll start on an adventure you’ll never regret!

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