Monday, November 13, 2023

Slow Down & Rest

I recently posted this photo and someone asked, “How?” Everyone is busy and going at a breakneck speed—even in our churches. There is no time to rest. And yet God told us to rest. How do we stop and rest when it’s so counter-culture?

First of all, it’s a matter of obedience. God commanded us to keep the sabbath holy—set apart. He showed us by example when He rested on the seventh day after working/creating six days. Jesus often pulled aside to rest and commune with the Father. So if you want to obey God, you’ll take a day every week to stop and worship Him. You’ll spend time with Him away from the pull of the world. You'll rest your spirit, soul, and body. 

Set boundaries. The world would tell us we’re indispensable. We’re not. (Notice how quickly people are replaced when they move or die!) We don’t have to be involved in everything. If everyone was doing what they were called to do and loved to do, spots would be filled, hearts would be filled, and no one would be stressed. Instead, if a spot is empty, we often feel obligated to fill it. We need to ask these questions: If no one wants to fill this spot, is God showing us it’s no longer a valid ministry/function? Or…if I do this project, am I keeping someone (who may be on the sidelines) from doing this who would love to do it? Do I need to just ask them? Or…is there someone I need to train to do this? We all need to learn to say “no.”  There is no explanation needed when you say no. Or you can just say, “God hasn’t called me to this.”  When we learn to say “no,” it will be so much more fun when it’s time to say, “yes!” Jesus set boundaries, too. He was never in a hurry (think of Lazarus). Study His life with this in mind. Just because you know about a need, it doesn’t mean God wants to use YOU to meet that need. This truth changed my life.  

Limit your children’s activities. They don’t have to be involved in every sport. And they certainly don’t have to be involved in extra sports. Childhood should be FUN, a time of discovery, and an expanding of their knowledge. Instead, I see kids who are exhausted and stressed. They’re running from one event to another and quickly gulping down a meal before the next event. Many crash when they have a minute of free time. If you set boundaries, they may fight you…but I bet they’ll secretly be glad to slow down. Be their example. Have a family meeting and tell them you’re going to slow down as a family. Ask them what they can cut out or what they’d like to see you cut out.  You might be surprised!

Take breaks. I know this is hard to do when your house is full of kids—but that’s probably the most important time to take a break! Ask parents to babysit. Trade childcare with friends. Save money to hire a babysitter. But take time to get alone. The whole purpose should be to get away with your spouse and spend quality time together. Talk about your relationship with God and with one another. Pray together. Figure out how to slow down as a family. But also spend time alone with God and ask what He wants you to change. Press in to His heart. Commit to obey whatever He shows you. I also need time to myself—if it’s closing myself in my bedroom or borrowing a cabin and getting alone. It’s healthy to spend time with yourself and God. 

Examine your rest. Are you resting physically? Do you need a new mattress or pillow? Are you giving you and your children eight hours to rest? Are you resting emotionally? Or are your emotions all over the place? Maybe you need a good cry or a friend you can talk to. It’s ok to see a counselor, too! Are you resting mentally? Are you involved in so many projects that you can’t turn your mind off when you go to bed? It’s time to unload projects if that’s the case. Are you resting spiritually? Are you spending time with God, praying, reading the Word with the goal of being intimate with Him? This is the place you need to start. God wants to lead us to quiet pastures—away from the stresses of life.  But if we’re not spending time with Him, we won’t know where that is.  

Rest has got to start as a choice. God told us to rest and He gave the example of rest. He knows we need it! But do we know it? We’ll either choose to rest—or our bodies—and maybe our families—will pay the price. 

Rest…just rest. Step off the roller coaster of this world…slow down…and REST. 

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