Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Prophetic Peace Covenant for Israel

Daniel 9 tells us that the Antichrist will make a peace covenant with Israel some day in the future. Just like Israel becoming a nation signified the beginning of the last days, this covenant will signify the beginning of the Tribulation. 

I’ve often wondered why this covenant would be needed. In my lifetime, Israel has only grown stronger. Their war with the Arabs in 1967 only lasted 6 days with an Israeli victory.  In 1973, they battled one another again for 20 days which ended in a cease-fire. There have been skirmishes constantly between Israelis and Arabs which is why so many American presidents have tried to establish peace treaties between the two. 

But what could be happening politically or militarily that a new world leader could step up to the plate and offer “world peace” through a peace covenant with Israel—and that they would accept it? 

It’s becoming clearer, isn’t it?

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