Saturday, April 8, 2023

Where Would Your Story Fit in the Bible?

If the Bible were being written today, where would your story fit? Would you be King David, a man after God’s own heart? He was a man focused on hearing, obeying, and pleasing God. He was also a man of brokenness and repentance when he sinned. Or would you be his son, Solomon? He was a man who began well but ended poorly. He’s proof that wisdom isn’t enough—it must be coupled with obedience. 

David was a shepherd who became king. 
Saul was a prince who became king. 

David worshipped and praised God. 
Saul worshipped God…until he began worshiping the gods of his wives. 

David fought his enemies. 
Saul entertained kings and queens. 

It was in David’s heart to build a temple for God. 
Saul fulfilled what was in David’s heart. 

David surpassed men in humility. 
Saul surpassed men in wisdom. 

Both men were great. But only one’s house has endured forever. David’s. He finished well—loving, obeying, and honoring the King of kings. 

What would the Bible say about you? Are you a man or woman after God’s own heart? Or have you lost your way like Saul? 

Where would your story fit in the Bible?

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