Thursday, January 5, 2023


Jesus never said, “Pray this prayer and go to heaven.”  He said, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” And then he said, “Follow Me.” (Mark 1:15, 17). Jesus came preaching repentance.  What is it?

To repent means to be sorrowful over your sin and to turn away from it.  We have all been dead in sin. We have to turn our back on it and make a 180° pivot to leave it completely behind to follow Jesus. When Jesus said to believe in the gospel, he was saying to believe there’s a new kingdom—His kingdom where He’s the ruler.  So now we are to live in that kingdom—not the world’s kingdom where sin reigns and anything goes. 

Too many people think they can continue in their sinful lifestyle and make it to heaven because they prayed a prayer. But did they repent?  Did they recognize they were deep in sin and turn away from it broken over their sin?  Are they following Jesus wholeheartedly? Is there fruit in their lives?  Are they living for God’s kingdom?

You can.  Repent!!  Be sorrowful over your sin.  Follow Jesus wholeheartedly.  Live for His kingdom. The only way to know how to do that is to read his directions in the Bible. Start in Matthew and read what he taught his disciples. 

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