Thursday, March 17, 2022

Working from Rest

Rest is probably the #1 thing people crave today and yet the least possessed commodity.  In the beginning, God worked for 6 days creating all that exists and declared the 7th day for rest.  On the 6th day, God created man.  So the first full day of man's existence was spent in rest and then he worked the next 6 days. God rested after His work...and man worked from his rest.  That is grace.

That's something we need to understand--how to work from our rest.  But first, we have to REST.  Webster describes rest as:  freedom from activity or labor, state of motionless or inactivity, repose, peace of mind or spirit.

When is the last time you stopped all activity and were motionless?  When is the last time you enjoyed peace of mind or spirit?  If you couldn't come up with a quick reply to those two questions, you seriously need to stop...and rest.  Without guilt!!  It's Satan's plan to keep us so busy and going in such circular motions that we are exhausted and don't even have the energy to spend time with God or our families.  Rest is also a weapon to fight the enemy.  When we're "at rest," it proves to the enemy we don't fear him.  Philippians 1:28.  I think resting is like a tithe of your time to God.

Do whatever you need to do.  Hire a babysitter, escape to your favorite spot, make some coffee, get alone with God and find that peace of spirit and mind.  Rest your body, soul, and spirit.  Be still. 

Rest.  I give you permission.

"Then Jesus said, Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
Matthew 11:28-29

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