Thursday, March 3, 2022


There are more distractions than ever in our lives, aren’t there?  I think this is our new normal. How do we cope?  How do we FOCUS??

This is what helps me. I sit in the same place every morning with a cup of coffee, a piece of toast, my Bible, and my journal. I’ve created a routine. Routines bring continuity and just help me focus better. I spend time with God—reading His Word, asking Him questions, and journaling. And then I bring my needs and the needs of others to Him. 

This is how I journal: I write down anything at the front of my mind. This gets it out of the way, brings it to God, and clears my mind. Then I begin talking to God about what I’ve read in the Bible that morning. I ask Him questions and write the answers He speaks to my heart. Sometimes it’s a flow of conversation back and forth. Other times, He leaves me hanging so I’ll meditate on it for awhile. I journal my prayer requests and write down how He’s answered other requests. Journaling is what helps me focus. It brings everything right before me and helps me lay it all at Jesus’ feet. It’s a constant in my life. 

We’re going to have distractions. We need to accept that Satan has stepped up his game and distractions are a great trap. But we can stay focused if we try! I highly encourage you to buy a good journal and give journaling a try. I think a good routine brings peace, continuity. and focus. 

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