Friday, September 22, 2023

Ruth…and me!

Ruth’s story is my story. Boaz was her deceased husband’s near relative and he became everything for her. He was her protector, provider, and became the father of her child. 

But why was Boaz so eager to help Ruth? He saw how she left her homeland and her gods to follow her mother-in-law, Naomi, to her country and to worship her God. Not only did she follow Naomi, she went to work in Boaz’s field to provide for her.  She worked hard. Eventually, Ruth submitted to Naomi’s counsel and to Boaz’s covering. These things caused Boaz to protect her, provide for her, and eventually give her a son. 

I have a daughter-in-law who is teaching her small children that “we’re not afraid to work hard!” And she teaches by example. She’ll dig a ditch to repair plumbing, she’ll caulk all of the trim on the outside of the house, she’ll even lay flooring. Her kids are learning through her example. And we are all drawn to help her because she fearlessly tackles any job.  

Don’t you think Boaz saw how hard Ruth worked—just like we see how hard my daughter-in-law works? He saw how she compassionately took care of her mother-in-law when she didn’t have to. Because she chose to leave her old life and follow God, Boaz became her kinsman-redeemer. He married her, provided for her, and gave her a child.  

Boaz is a picture of Jesus. And when we choose to follow God, we are Ruth. Jesus then covers us, protects us, and provides for us. Jack Hayford, in his book, The Mary Miracle, says all believers are pregnant with a miracle like Mary experienced. God wants to birth something through each of us. 

Have you left everything to follow God?  What does Jesus see in you? What is he birthing through you right now?

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