Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Snow Tunnels

It was around 1963 and there had been a big snow. We had big ones back then! I’m guessing the snow was 3-4 feet deep. And we were at the home of our best friends, the Ward’s. It was exciting to get together when something so monumental had happened—it meant hours of playing—even though I was the only girl in the crowd and had to adapt to the boys’ games. There was no playing “house” with this crew. Bob & Lonnie, the two oldest kids from each family, decided to dig a snow tunnel in the Ward’s back yard. 

I’m sure the moms never expected it to last long. You know how kids spend 30 minutes putting on snow gear for a 10 minute romp in the snow! But Bob & Lonnie we’re determined that day. They dug and dug. I think the only time they came inside was to collect more digging tools or to try to get me or Marvin to come take a look. But maybe Marvin helped dig…I don’t quite remember. Now I love the snow, but I don’t like to freeze. And I especially don’t like to die in an avalanche.  

But one time…one time I crawled through their day’s labor. It was eerily quiet and beautiful. I went to the end of one tunnel where I could peer into the next and then quickly made my way back to the door and inside the house. I didn’t want to die. And I wasn’t sure those guys were the builders their dads were. But they were sure proud of what they’d built!

I don’t know why that memory popped into my head this morning. Maybe it’s because I was thinking about faith. It’s not about how much faith we have. We all have some kind of faith—faith in our money, faith in our government, faith in our spouses, faith in our employer, etc. But it’s about the OBJECT of our faith.  Do we have faith in God? Not just do we believe He exists—but do we believe He sent His Son (Jesus) to die for our sins and that He rose again and lives in heaven right now, praying for us?  Do we have a teeny, tiny mustard seed of faith in God? Have we done a free fall into His arms knowing He will catch us and love us for all eternity? Have we said, “I give you my entire life!”? 

I could have fully trusted Bob & Lonnie with the snow tunnel—even though it was their first foray into building alone.  They both became gifted builders.  

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