Monday, June 6, 2022


This is an excerpt from Randy Alcorn’s book, The Treasure Principle. If you haven’t read it, you should! As I was re-reading it, this stuck out to me and I began remembering… 

Andy & I have never hidden the fact that we were poor money managers. But in God’s beautiful plan, He put wealthy people in our lives. They never preached at us (but could have)… they were just givers. Many times, Andy & I were the blessed receivers. It was hard at times. Embarrassing at times. But we were watching everything they did. We saw how they gave and how God blessed them so they could give more. And they gave freely—without restraint. And it created a hunger in us. 

We began giving…small, at first. It was rewarding and FUN—exciting, actually!! We got completely out of debt so we could give more. And we did. We’ve given to mission trips, to people who needed food, to people with medical needs, and especially when God says, “Give to this person!” 

One time stands out in my mind. Andy & I had gone to Olive Garden. It was right before the nation-wide Covid shutdown. I never have cash, but I did that day. Our waitress was short with us and we seldom saw her. But God whispered in my heart to give her all of my cash. When she brought our ticket, Andy handed her the credit card to pay for our meal and I handed her the cash. She began crying. Because restaurants were closing down the next day, she was going to be without a job. (I only wished I’d had more cash!) But I posted the story on Facebook and a friend offered her a job at a grocery store. We were able to contact her through Olive Garden and tell her to go apply for the job!

Giving is God’s way. He gives money to us to manage it for Him. It’s all His!! And we get to share it where He wants it used. I encourage you to give. Start with a tithe to your church—and give it with a grateful and cheerful heart! And then give to the needs of others. Give where God tells you to give. Give extravagantly!! You’ll get your socks blessed off!!

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