Have you had a difficult person in your life? Have you rehearsed in your mind a hundred times what you wish you could say to them? Have you tried drawing a boundary? Jacob eventually did just that…but that’s not the way he started out.
Jacob fulfilled his name “supplanter.” He traded soup for his brother’s birthright and then deceived his father for Esau’s blessing. But he met his match when he went to his Uncle Laban’s house. I’m sure God needed a mirror to show Jacob his own heart—so he could see what he would become if he didn’t change.
Jacob worked for Laban for seven years to marry his daughter, Rachel. But the morning after his wedding, he woke up to find Rachel’s older sister, Leah, had been given to him instead of Rachel. So Laban told him if he’d commit to working for him another seven years, he could have Rachel, too.
That was only the beginning. Jacob ended up working for Laban twenty years—for his two daughters and then to build his own flock. During that time, he was made to absorb every loss himself. Laban changed his wages ten times. Bottom line? Laban was underhanded and mistreated, abused, and stole from Jacob. He was a difficult person—or a tyrannical antagonist.
When Jacob left to take his family and possessions to his former home, Laban chased him down, ready to demand what was his. But God met Laban and warned him, “Leave Jacob alone!” When they met, Laban accused him of running off with some of his possessions. Jacob had finally had a belly-full and unloaded. He found his voice! (He was probably empowered when Laban admitted that God had told him to leave Jacob alone!) He spoke truth in full righteous anger.
What happened? Laban backed off. In fact, I believe he was so shocked at Jacob’s anger and the TRUTH that he decided to create a boundary (a pile of rocks) “so neither could cross it to harm the other.” Ha! I think Laban was scared. And…he knew God was on Jacob’s side.
I’ve seen this happen so many times. An antagonist tries to control, manipulate, intimidate, and even abuse others. But when strongly confronted with TRUTH, they back off. Until they’re confronted, their bad behavior will continue. Truth is powerful!! Know that God is on the side of truth because Jesus IS Truth! Use your voice—it sets captives free. And boundaries can become a very good thing.
Oh! And later, Jacob wrestles with God and prevails! God renames him Israel “because you have fought with God and men and have won.” Which man did Jacob fight? Laban. He won the battle against Laban…a very difficult person.
“ And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.” John 8:32