Monday, November 26, 2018

The Feast

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies...”

Years ago, I read the book, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller, who had actually been a shepherd.   Referring to this verse, he said the highest places you take a sheep are called mesas—or tables.  A shepherd has to go there—before he takes his sheep—to prepare it.  Sheep are prone to eat whatever is in front of them, so the shepherd has to remove dangerous weeds which could kill the sheep or put minerals or salt in areas to either promote or kill certain grasses. He will either scare away dangerous animals with his presence or kill them.  So before the sheep get to this table, the shepherd has prepared it.  He knows the sheep will eat well—and in peace.  

Are you chomping at the bits to get to a new place, a higher place?   Consider this...your Shepherd may be spending time getting rid of dangerous weeds, fertilizing grasses, and killing wild animals—so that upon your arrival the feast is ready!

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