Jesus had just condemned the Pharisees, calling them whitewashed tombs—beautiful on the outside but full of dead men’s bones. And then he left the temple.
The disciples were stunned, I’m sure, and didn’t know quite what to say. So they turned to the temple and asked him, “But isn’t this beautiful?” And Jesus replied, “Don’t you get it? This temple will be destroyed! Everything is about to change.” (Becky paraphrase)
And it did. Jesus walked away from that temple—never to return. It was destroyed 40 years later. And Jesus chose a new temple—your heart and mine.
I look back on my life (as I was doing this morning) and grieve that I’ve often been like those Pharisees—so convinced I was RIGHT (and often over stupid stuff)—but was actually full of self. Dead bones. I still have a choice as the temple of God. I can choose to look beautiful on the outside and be full of death…or I can allow Christ to sit on the throne of my heart and be what He intended—full of LIFE!
Jesus changed everything.
We ARE the temple of God.