Friday, April 26, 2024

Jesus and the Temple

Jesus had just condemned the Pharisees, calling them whitewashed tombs—beautiful on the outside but full of dead men’s bones. And then he left the temple. 

The disciples were stunned, I’m sure, and didn’t know quite what to say. So they turned to the temple and asked him, “But isn’t this beautiful?” And Jesus replied, “Don’t you get it? This temple will be destroyed! Everything is about to change.” (Becky paraphrase)

And it did. Jesus walked away from that temple—never to return. It was destroyed 40 years later. And Jesus chose a new temple—your heart and mine. 

I look back on my life (as I was doing this morning) and grieve that I’ve often been like those Pharisees—so convinced I was RIGHT (and often over stupid stuff)—but was actually full of self. Dead bones. I still have a choice as the temple of God. I can choose to look beautiful on the outside and be full of death…or I can allow Christ to sit on the throne of my heart and be what He intended—full of LIFE!

Jesus changed everything. 

We ARE the temple of God. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Psalm 23

This is Psalm 23 taken from my study of the Hebrew words. I’ve made it my prayer. 

Jehovah, the God of Israel, is my shepherd. He tends to me and my needs. He is my companion and friend. I have no lack—there are no wants or failures. In fact, there are no decreases at all. I have all I need.  

He makes me lie down (much like I did in the womb). He lays me across his breast. I stretch out in green pastures which has new, soft grass or herbs. It’s soft to lay on and good to eat—my food of choice.  This is my home with the shepherd.  He leads me with care to a watering station and a place to rest. This is water than runs with a sparkle—it’s quiet and melodic. It refreshes me. 

The shepherd restores me—he turns me back to God. I return to the beginning. My soul is the seat of my mind, my will, and my emotions. He helps me return to the way God intended me to be from the beginning of time.  He guides and governs me in the track of rightness, righteousness, justice, and deliverance for the purpose and intent of his reputation, fame, and glory.  

Even though I follow the shepherd and walk through the gorge with deep shadows like death or the grave, I will not be fearful or dread the evil, bad intentions, adversity, distress, calamity, misery, wrong, evil, or injury intended toward me. For you are with me, beside me, and bound to me. Your rod to protect and rule and your staff to lean on and rescue me comforts me. 

You arrange and set in order a table before me (conspicuously) in front of my enemy who binds me and causes distress. You fatten me with prosperity and fruitfulness. My cup is saturated and runs over with wealth. 

Indeed, goodness, bounty, pleasantness, agreeableness, happiness, and wealth—along with mercy, kindness, faithfulness, and lovingkindness—will chase me each and every day of my life. I will dwell and remain in God’s family home forever. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Don’t be Deceived

The disciples had gathered around Jesus and were asking him, “Tell us when will these things be (the last days)? And what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of this age?”

Jesus’ first words were, “Take heed that no one deceives you.”  That’s his first words? They were asking what the days would look like (thinking they’d experience them). And Jesus says, “Don’t be deceived.”?

I thought I better look up the Greek word here. What is deception in this context? It means to be led away from the right way, to be led away from truth, to be seduced.  Wow.  

The enemy isn’t going to come to seduce us with horns and a pitchfork. Hell use what looks beautiful, alluring, and enticing to lead us away from truth. At the beginning, it may just be a little step away from truth—and even sound like truth. But the enemy’s intent is to destroy us with lies. 

It’s imperative to be hypervigilant with truth today. The Word of God IS truth! If you’re not reading the Bible, you won’t know the truth. You have nothing to compare with what you’re hearing. You’re already set up for failure. 

Stay alert!  Jesus’ first words when talking about these days was, “Don’t be deceived.” He knew we’d be bombarded with lies, half-truths, and near-truths. He knew that it would be hard to avoid deception. And his desire is that we finish well.  

Don’t be deceived. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Five Smooth Stones

There’s a GIANT!!!  

Are you facing a giant in your life? Or maybe, like me, there’s a giant assigned to your family to intimidate, threaten, control, bully, distract, destroy—and who screams in terrorizing fear. Its intent is to stop you and your family from fulfilling God’s good plan. That’s the giant I’m facing.  

I’m ready to fight, aren't you? I’ve picked up five smooth stones and I’m armed with my slingshot. I’ve had to shake off fear and now I’ve taken my first step in faith. Faith is the critical component to this battle. 

The stones? The Word of God—that’s my weapon. I chose five smooth stones that are familiar to me and seem to pertain to my family. They are well-worn because they’ve been used for thousands of generations. Ephesians 6:17 says we speak the Word and the Spirit wields it. I don’t even have to be an accurate marksman—thank goodness!

I’m facing this giant who has defied the name of the MOST HIGH GOD!!!  Of course, this enemy wants to destroy me and my family—but it’s because of Who we represent! It’s not even really about me. It’s about God Almighty.  

I step out in faith (NOT fear!). I tell this giant that he has defied the MOST HIGH GOD! I put the Word in my slingshot and let it fly! I speak and read the Word that God has given me into the atmosphere. I aim high. Did you realize what I’m actually doing? I’m shooting JESUS!  He IS the Word! I don’t have to be a marksman because I’m shooting Jesus, who is all power—more powerful than dynamite! The Spirit then wields the Word I’ve released perfectly. All I have to do is show up in faith with my five smooth stones and release them. God takes over from there. 

I’m putting an end to this reign of terror through faith and the Word of God…and the power of the Most High God. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

When Ministry is Hard

Is ministry hard at times? You better believe it! I believe it will get harder and harder as Jesus’ return draws closer.  II Timothy 3 tells us what to expect—people who love themselves and money, there will be those who are unthankful and unholy, traitors, those who love the world more than God, etc., etc. The problem is most of us don’t take God at His Word. We take a new church thinking, “This is IT! People will love and follow us, we’ll thrive as a congregation, and expand the kingdom of God.” We fail to remember pastors like Paul. The kingdom of God WILL expand—but it will most likely happen at the hands of trials, conflict, and persecution. 

In II Timothy 4, Paul asks Timothy to come to him. He’s reached the end of his ministry and life and is in PRISON. He tells Timothy that his helper, Demas, has forsaken him because he loved the world more than God. He warns Timothy to beware of Alexander the coppersmith who did him harm and will do the same to him. He says no one stood with him at his defense—he was completely forsaken. 

But…Paul then tells Timothy that God stood with him and strengthened him that the gospel might be fully preached to the Gentiles. He goes on to declare that God will deliver him from every evil work (which appeared imminent) and preserve him for the heavenly kingdom. 

Did you catch it? Paul was warning Timothy of clear and present danger as a minister of the gospel. It’s always had its challenges, difficulties, and dangers. But by his example, he was telling Timothy it was all worth it to spread the gospel. His strength was God. His focus was the end goal of the kingdom of heaven.  

It’s so easy to make our difficulties our focus! But there is absolutely nothing new under the sun. Satan has always and will always fight the kingdom of God and the spread of the gospel. The question is…where will we find our strength? What will be our focus? 

We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.” Hebrews 12:2 NLT