Close all social media for one week. Yes…completely shut it down. You can go to settings, screen time, turn on app limits, and set all social media apps for 0 hours and 0 minutes. You won’t be able to access those apps when you mindlessly pick up your phone to check social media.
Go without social media of any kind for one week. Take notice of how often you pick up your phone to check Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
Every time you pick up your phone to check social media (and can’t), use that time to open your Bible and read. If you don’t already have a Bible reading system, I encourage you to read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and see how Jesus spent his time.
During this week, I encourage you to engage with people around you. Get involved in church ministry—with the worship team, the children or youth ministries, ask if you can help with an intensive cleaning of the nursery. Find any other ministry—and volunteer. Offer to babysit for a neighbor. Cook a meal for an overworked mom or a senior adult who may not cook for themselves. Do ministry!
After a week, only open your social media apps for 30 minutes for two days. Record how you feel after checking social media.
Now consider limiting your intake of social media completely…and engage with the world around you instead.
I’d love to hear your results!