Matthew 24 talks about wars, rumors of wars, famines, pestilences, and earthquakes…and then it says these are the beginning of birth pains. Any woman who’s delivered a baby knows the beginning of birth pains is nothing. Ask her about the last 30 minutes of labor! The pressure and pain are intense.
Recently, I’ve been asking others, “Can you feel the intensity of the spiritual atmospheric pressure?” And then I read Matthew 24:8 this morning, “All these are the beginning of sorrows (Greek: birth pains).” It’s the pressure of birth pains.
Have you talked to others? Do you see the severity of our day? It seems everyone is in a fierce battle. And then there’s the battle for the souls of men. I don’t want anyone left behind when Jesus comes!
The labor pains before the coming of Christ have intensified! Prophecy is being fulfilled. I can only hope and pray our “birth” into the heavenly realm is soon! Come quickly, Lord Jesus!