Shaking & Awakening
by Becky Dietz
I believe we’ve been through a time of shaking for the past few months. The Coronavirus, the pandemic, and the quarantine created a shaking in our world. In fact, because it was worldwide, it absolutely got our attention. I don’t know about you, but it’s been hard to focus. We all thought we’d get so much done while we had to be still and inside, but it had the opposite effect. There was so much information coming at us—and it was all so different—that we didn’t know what to believe. The result was lots of fear. Fear of not knowing what would happen next. Fear of losing businesses or jobs. Fear of not having enough groceries or the basic necessities of life. And fear of a virus which could kill. We were shaken.
And then the unnecessary and gut-wrenching death of George Floyd was the explosive cannon shot which propelled us into an awakening. It was the catalyst which made the Church begin to speak out about the hidden sin of racism. It’s no longer enough to be a non-racist. We have got to be anti-racists and fight it with all of our being. We need to take a strong stand against treating ANY man, woman, or child created in the image of God differently. It’s wrong for any people of color to question their worth or purpose in the kingdom of God. It’s wrong for them to have to look over their shoulder or fear going into a new situation. There is no one more or less valuable than another. We may have always known racism was wrong—but we’ve been awakened to the need to strongly support and love all people! It’s an awakening which has been needed for generations.
God is doing a new thing. Our eyes need to be wide open and we need to be listening to His voice. I can promise we don’t want to miss what He’s going to do next. He’s raising up Joshuas and Calebs...Esthers and Deborahs for such a time as this. Have your hearts purified and prepared as He gets ready to expand His kingdom. Don’t miss this epic opportunity!