This week, my sister sent a verse to me. We’d never caught one part of this verse:
Your choices never just affect you—any choice! There’s always a ripple effect. It will touch the lives of your family, your friends, your church—and on and on. But the choice of what you do with God is the most serious choice. This chapter says that if you choose to love God and obey His commandments you will have life and blessing. If you choose to serve yourself or any other idol, you will experience death (forever) and cursing.
The point I’d missed is that when you choose life…you’re choosing life for your children also. I know you’ve seen it. You’ve seen a family who just seems to be full of life! They’re not perfect—but they just stand out. And then you’ve seen those families and you worry about the physical and emotional safety of the children. The first set of parents chose life. The second chose death—and they’re passing it on to their kids. Every single person (including your children) have a choice. But how much easier is it for them
To choose God when they’ve had your example of choosing God?
Know the stakes when you choose. You’re choosing God—or Satan. You’re choosing life—or death. You’re choosing blessing—or cursing. And your choices will be passed to your descendants. Your choices have an eternal consequence.