Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Florida Fun!

I got home from Florida last night. I had so much fun! It just doesn't get better than getting to celebrate 2 grandsons' birthdays and Easter all in one weekend.

Amy had these tulips waiting in my room---loved them!!

I loved this Spanish moss hanging from the trees!

The Wright Family on Easter

Jay leading worship on Easter.

Can you believe those eyes?

Isaac singing with the choir on Easter.

Josiah coming out of the teepee at his birthday party. (I think he was being Robin.)

Jay enjoying Isaac's lego gift.

Miss Priss swinging.

Bathtime fun with paints!



Three kids enjoying popsicles---per dr's orders for Josiah's lip.

The Wright Family on Josiah's birthday. I wouldn't trade my time with them.
Buff was jealous. (But he was in China)


amy wright said...

We already miss you and can't wait to see you AND Buff in July!!
By the way, Josiah cried the hardest this time. :(

Becky Dietz said...

Ohhhhhh.... :'(
I miss them already!! I knew Josiah had an agenda when you called and he said he had my watch! He knew we needed one more hug!

Marcy Faye Hallden said...

Poor little Josiah--he really big bust his little lip! I love that Wright family!!