Sunday, November 9, 2008

Playing Hooky...

I never played hooky in school...never!!  I would have been too afraid of getting caught!  The closest I came was when I was a "basket girl" in 7th grade P.E.   (Man!  Am I showing my age!)  After collecting and putting up all the baskets in P.E. (where our clothes were stored), we were allowed free time.  You could finish homework, etc.  I'm not sure if we were given permission or if the example was set by those before us, but we would sometimes leave campus and go to "Patrick's"  across from the school and get some of their fresh, homemade ice cream.  I don't know why that appealed to me....I really don't even like ice cream.  But theirs was really good.  I did that a couple of times.  My last time was when my postman of a father showed up there delivering the mail to Patrick's at the same time I showed up to get ice cream.  I think he just laughed, if I remember correctly---which was par for how he disciplined me.  But it either took the adventure out of it for me or scared me into not going anymore.  It's been too long and I can't really remember.

But today, I played hooky again.  Andy went to Lubbock to hear a man from China.  And since I'd been sick all week, a trip just didn't appeal to me.  But as I contemplated what I'd do while he was gone, "hooky" kept popping up in my mind.  Do you realize how seldom a minister's wife gets to play hooky????  Well, I did it.  And not only did I do it myself, I tried to find an accomplice!!  I called one of my best friends (who plays hooky often enough herself, mind you....) but for once, she was going to church!! ha!  Ok...I'm kidding, kind of...she goes alot.    Oh well, I played hooky all by myself.  And if I'm being honest with my story, I must tell you that I enjoyed it alot!  I did some laundry, read the beginning of a new book about Chinese martyrs, and took a nap.  So now my hooky-playing is over (since church is over) and I must venture out to find some lunch.  In all probability, someone will see me and ask me why I wasn't at church.  But that's a price I'm willing to pay this morning to find food.  


TheShermanFam said...

Well, the youth did lunch today at the church for the Ski Now trip (to raise money)...SOO, most of the church ate the church! I'm curious...did you see anyone from church while you were out getting YOUR lunch?? :)

Becky Dietz said...

Nope. I slid into the drive-thru at Sutphens with my houseshoes and all. No guilt, Ember, no guilt. I will not feel guilt about the youth and their ski trip. As a former youth minister's wife, I hated those trips. I was actually "saving" Hope (our youth minister's wife) by staying home. No guilt.

Amy said...

I miss you. I want to go to your house. We are going to Ian's grandma's house tonight.

Marcy Faye Hallden said...

Ohhhhhhh, I LOVE skipping church every now and again. So funny, I tried today, but guilt won for me. I stayed up until past 2:00 am painting, and even when I went to bed, I couldn't fall asleep!! So, I was tired. Craig even gave me permission, but we teach grade 5-6 Sunday school, so I went! But good for you--I LOVE IT!!

Lindsey said...

Good for you! We went to church. It was delightful. How I covet a morning all to myself...

TheShermanFam said...

LOL!!! I actually kinda wanted to stay at home today, too! And I did play hookie from Sunday School. I went down to the kitchen and wrapped plastic ware in paper napkins. It was fun! :)
Hope you enjoyed your morning AND your Sutphens!

Kara said...

I'm proud of you ;) I hope you enjoyed your morning of playing hooky! I didn't do it in high school either (except once), because I too was afraid to get caught! HA!!!

Enjoying the journey... said...

Well, if we are confessing.....I played hooky too....I wasn't ready when Scott had to leave (because he was teaching this morning) and he took all the the time I finished I would have walked in skipped....and stayed home....with no kids. Ha
I did make it to corporate worship but I skipped Sunday school. :) Ohh...I hope my kids never skip school!

Sandra said...

Yep, Ben & I played hooky too...but I think he may have strep throat. I only played hooky in H.S. once - we missed lunch because of car problems and skipped choir to eat. We knew we wouldn't get in trouble for just CHOIR! (or at least thought we wouldn't...)
Are you feeling any better?

Anonymous said...

It's good to play hooky every now and then...besides you shouldn't go to church for other people but for GOD. If He knows you need quiet time to yourself and rest and relaxation and you seize the moment to do it, even on a church day, I think He smiles down on you from Heaven, He hates to see His children stressed and burned out. I have to tell myself that often, I feel guilty for taking time for myself. Wow! That just hit me as I typed it...Thanks for once again making me think, Becky!