Monday, October 6, 2008

Better perspective.

I don't know about you, but when my body hurts, my whole perspective is skewed. So after getting home this evening and putting my leg up for awhile and after a few Tylenol, I had a different perspective on my day.
Let me tell you about it....
My day started out with Andy getting up before daylight to do a good deed for me---he went to speak to some teachers on behalf of Living Water. What a guy! Then a precious little boy opened my door and climbed into my bed and said, "I can't sleep, Guh." So we turned on the tv and watched Little Einsteins.
I got to hand out funds this morning to some needy, deserving people. I was blessed to get to share Jesus Christ with each of them and see 2 people come to Christ!! They were both so broken. One lady told me she'd been praying...but when she realized she really didn't know Christ, she was eager to receive His free gift to her. Amazing. I'm amazed anytime I see a baby being born---physically or spiritually!
Mid-morning, I was excited to see 2 cute little kids come in to Living Water bringing lunch to share with me. It was a hoot later to peek into the chapel and see them standing at the front, singing and preaching together.
And then I came home to a clean house!
You know what? I had a great day!


Lindsey said...

Why does he get in bed with you? We were right across the hall! I hope he didn't wake you up. I'm glad you saw your day in a different light; and that we got to be a part of brightening it up for you!

As We Are said...

Hey, that sounds like a great day! I hope your feeling better today. I saw ol' Andy Dietz walking through the hospital yesterday. Well, atleast I think it was him. I tried to go say HI and couldn't find him. Have a great day!

Ilene said...

Hello Becky, isn't so amazing how God replaces a hard day with a great day. He is So Good to us!

We are looking forward to seeing you in a bit:)