Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Respect for My Daughters

Have I told you that I have the utmost respect for my daughters?  Not only are they all great moms, but the three with school-aged children homeschool.  Not only do they homeschool, they run a tight ship--cooking, cleaning up after a family--all those normal mom things.  But it doesn't end there, they are creative and daring.  They don't just do the normal family things--they seek out adventures for their families and growing experiences for themselves and their kids.  And they dress well, to boot!

I, on the other hand, didn't dress well as a young mom.  (Heck!  I still don't dress well!)  And I barely stayed ahead of the game.  And while I've had my 3 grandkids here this week, I've remembered those things.  I can barely get the kids dressed for the day!  Here, they're having school in their pajamas.  I fear it would always be this way if I were their teacher.

Olivia did manage to get dressed.  It was a fluke.

And my adventures don't amount to much--jumping on inflated material.  But it was all about getting these adorable cousins together.  I have a feeling they're going to be close as they grow up.

As will these 3.  They're pretty tight already.  And I remember one of their dad's being tight with his cousin at this age--and they still are.  It's fun to watch.

I honestly don't know how my daughters manage all they do.  We live in a different time and it's much harder to be a mom of young children now than when I was a mom.  I'm pretty proud of all of them.  


Ronnie said...

That's awesome!!!

Lindsey said...

Gee, thanks. We have school in our pj's sometimes too; don't feel bad. It was fun today!

Jean said...

I agree totally! I could never have done with 2 kids what Amy has done with 3. I have the utmost respect for my daughter!