Saturday, June 20, 2009

What I learned from Facebook

I have laughed over the quizzes people take on Facebook. First of all, I hate wading through those posts....but I usually scan them just to see what people have discovered about themselves. And I think it's funny to see people's perspective of themselves. (Please note that I do not remember specifics of anyone or anything---so I'm not picking on you!!) I just think most people think of themselves very differently than the way most people see that person. I believe that most people have a high & positive opinion of themselves. I don't think I'll be taking any quizzes. I'd hate for you to disagree with my assesment! Has anyone else noticed this?


Anonymous said...

I don't take those quizzes either...mainly because I don't have time. But also how accurate are they? Who cares what kind of coffee, superhero, etc I am? I think everyone thinks of themselves differently, to some extent, then others do. So, I think I will just stick with my farm!!!

Kallie G said...

I actually hide all the quizzes! I just don't see the point! I guess that probably makes me a party pooper! :)

Becky Dietz said...

Oh wow! I didn't know you could hide them! How do you do that? Do you have to do each individual quiz?

ANNA-ELYSE said...

Some people do take ALOT of those quizzes don't they? But I think they are mostly just fun as is a lot of stuff on Facebook!

Kallie G said...

Yes, you have to hide each one. I just think they are silly. Now Ricky on the other hand, he really can't stand them! haha! He is a major party pooper!

Knock On Wood said...

I don't do any social networking, only blogging. And if I had time, I'd do a post entitled, "What I learned from Becky" - but it would never be done!!!!