For her birthday, she wanted to go see the musical "TEXAS" at Palo Duro Canyon.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
A Beautiful 7-Year-Old
For her birthday, she wanted to go see the musical "TEXAS" at Palo Duro Canyon.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Progression and Intention of Truth
I've always said that when I began asking God for Truth in my life, he first began revealing the lies I had believed. That is the progression of Truth. God told Jeremiah that he was going to deliver the nations into his hands. And he would go in and tear down first. And then...then he would build up and plant. So if you desire truth in your inward parts (Psalm 51:6), expect a revealing of strongholds that need to be torn down first. After you have torn down, God will come in and build up and plant in your life--if you allow Him to do it. The tearing down part can be scary at first. I compare it to a newborn baby flailing as he comes from his place of comfort into a cold and wide-open space! But the freedom it brings feels so good you begin going back and asking for more!
And then the intention. I saw it for the first time this morning and it answered so many questions for me. This is from the Amplified in Jeremiah 2:20, "For long ago [in Egypt] I broke your yoke and burst your bonds [not that you might be free, but that you might serve Me] and long ago you shattered the yoke and snapped the bonds [of My law which I put upon you]; you said, I will not serve and obey You! For upon every high hill and under every green tree you [eagerly] prostrated yourself [in idolatrous worship], playing the harlot." (emphasis mine) God sets us free by knowing his Truth. (John 14:6) But the end result of that knowledge is not to be our freedom----it's servitude! Servitude to God himself. Ahhh....that clears up so much confusion! That's how the church has gotten off into the freedom movement. God hasn't released us from our bondage to enjoy our freedom (although that does happen!) The intent of our deliverance is to become his servant. Our hearts should be so full of gratitude towards God delivering us, that we gladly sacrifice all of our desires for his desires and then serve his kingdom the rest of our lives. And then we find out that God's order moves in. When we delight in him, he puts his desires in our hearts. When we're seeking his kingdom first, he meets all of our needs. That, my friends, is the progression and intention of Truth! What a great plan God has.
Friday, June 26, 2009
How's it going?
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Beautiful Idea!

I think we ought to have a party for them sometime where we all get together and have cake, punch, pretty decorations and they all get at least one gift. Wouldn’t that be fun? We could honor them for their tenacity to keep going in the midst of terrible circumstances. We could call it the “Come and Be Blessed Party”.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I saw my future
Here's Andy stylin' in his eye be removed in one hour.
UPDATE: Patch is off and his eyesight is swell.
Monday, June 22, 2009
And tonight, I watched some of Jon & Kate Plus 8 and learned of their separation. That breaks my heart. Sometimes we forget people on tv are real people with real needs. I've been praying for them ever since there was a hint that there were problems.
A man I work with has a son who has a tear in his aorta from his heart to his leg---a dire situation. I could go on and on. I'm sure you're the same way!
What do we do? How do we help? You know what I think is lacking in the church as a whole? Encouragement. Would you commit to encouraging someone this week? Would you ask God who you can encourage and how you can do it? It might start at home and work it's way outward. And pray. Pray for the needs you know about. What if all of us were praying for restoration of the marriage of Jon & Kate?
I DECLARE THE NEXT 7 DAYS "THE DAYS OF ENCOURAGEMENT!" Report in on how you encouraged someone and what happened as a result! And think about posting the same thing---what if we started a movement of encouragement? The world would be a happier place.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
What I learned from Facebook
What I learned from Jay
When I call the Wright household's home phone and they aren't there, I always leave a message. Not for Jay & Amy. For the grandkids. (Who, by the way, call me Gee.) And I always sing the song I sing to all of my grandkids---I Love You a Bushel & a Peck. Sometimes I sing it singularly or sometimes I've added a version to include everyone---I love you and you and you a bushel and a peck, a peck, a get the idea. Apparently, there are about three messages on the machine with me singing to the Wright kids. And Isaac & Josiah have learned which button to push to make me sing. can imagine hearing Gee sing three songs....over & over & over....
To which Jay told his precious children, "KIDS! THAT'S ENOUGH OF GEE FOR ONE DAY!"
LOL!!! I love it!! I wonder how many more times I can get this song on that machine???
Friday, June 19, 2009
What I learned at Living Water
I'm really not a numbers person--I just like to see lots of lives being changed! Last year this time, we were having some weeks where 18 people would decide to follow Jesus! Now those were good days! But as I sat and thought on those special times, I was corrected by the Lord himself.
He reminded me that all of heaven rejoices over one lost sinner that repents. And if I couldn't rejoice over each person who came to Jesus, then my perspective was skewed.
Having 18 people repent isn't the norm. God must have been answering prayer or wanting to make his name famous those days...I'm not sure! But each of those 18 people caused great excitement in heaven that day. Every. single. one.
So...I ended my day at Living Water giving praise for each person who found Jesus today--all four of them!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
What I've learned about Asia
What I learned from Ryan & Addie

- "Hunk-backed" whales have big mouths (Ryan)
- Watching too much tv is bad for your brain (Ryan, again)
- You can force a fishing pole into a fish's mouth (And Ryan, yet again)
- After about 30 minutes, sugar kicks in (Addie)
- Pe-tah is a name that works for both Peter Pan and Chronicles of Narnia. Lines are also used interchangably. (Ryan was Pe-tah and Addie has the inflection down perfectly!)
- Bedtime involves lots of hugs & kisses & songs!
- I've got some pretty cute grandkids!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
What I learned over coffee
But Gib, being 80 years old. is concerned. He's concerned for the future of our nation. And it started a dialogue between all of us. We all have concerns and none of us really knows what to do about it. I try to be proactive---I call senators and congressmen when a bill is up that I disagree with. I send emails to them. I try to make others aware as well. But....what do you do???? I mean other than a sit-in (Oh you girls are way too young. Maybe Tammy heard about our 1970 sit-in at Pampa High School over the Vietnam war!), a friendly riot or carrying signs. I mean...what do you do?
We took it back to the basics by the end of our conversation. "If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14.
It really is basic, isn't it? Nothing like a good cup of coffee with friends to get back to basics!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
What I learned at work
I sat here and could not get them out of my mind. So I shot off an email to some people in our church and told them about their situation. I told them that she was supposed to come back to LW before 3 and her need was immediate and if they felt led to help, it would have to come as soon as possible!
Five minutes later, a man called and had a $100 Visa gift card he wanted to give. He had it here five minutes later. A young woman, who had experienced a big disappointment in her life recently, came in with another $100. About twenty minutes later, a man called and said he was sending $100 down to me through another man who would deliver it. The delivery man decided to chip in another $100. And I gave her a $30 gas card from LW. $430 in about 30 minutes! AMAZING! (As I was proofreading this, another woman came in with $40 to help with a tank of gas, she said!)
I called the mom and asked her if she could come back up for the gas card. When she came in, I had all of this money for her. She started crying. I told her it wasn't from LW, but from God's kids who knew of her situation and wanted to help. It was then that she told me medicaid had sent her $37 for her expenses---to get from Borger to Dallas!! She had no idea how she was going to take care of all of the other needs.
Today at work, I learned how well God's people take care of needs. I love God's kids!
*Update: Before they left town, they had $590 in gift cards and cash! AMAZING! And the last woman who gave suggested snacks and bottled water--which LW supplied! So glad she thought of that!!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
What I learned at a funeral
I went to this church while in high school. So I know all of the key players in this situation. I looked around today and here's what I learned. All of these people are good people. They all love God. In fact, I'd say they're all following the Lord--at least on some level. And they all feel very "RIGHT" in their minds. It's so easy. It's so easy to allow error (in even a small portion) to move into your mind, feed it, and allow it to grow until you no longer can see the Truth. Could this church be healed? Absolutely! All it would take is for one person to humble themselves and repent. I believe it would be a domino effect and all sides would see the error of their ways and also humble themselves and repent.
But therein is the problem. It's so hard to humble yourself and repent! But I believe it takes even more energy to keep that unforgiveness alive! And unforgiveness turns into bitterness. And bitterness turns into murder. Don't believe it? A friend told me this week that he attended a church with some of the same problems I just described and people began killing one another. About 6 murders took place inside that church! Unbelievable. Unforgiveness is so destructive! And God hates it.
I learned a lot sitting at a funeral today. Wouldn't it be awesome if this lady's funeral was the catalyst for new life and love? I believe it could happen. I pray it will.
What I learned in Sunday School
He was telling how Paul went into the desert for three years after his conversion to be discipled by Jesus. That's how he could say he was an apostle. An apostle had to be chosen by Jesus and discipled by Jesus. Paul was. Tommy made the point that, of course, Paul had rabbinical training--but that wasn't enough! Even after his rabbinical training, he was killing Christians.
He said the law was given to us to expose our sin, but doesn't change us. I will never ever forget the illustration he gave. It brought new understanding to me. He compared the law to an MRI. The doctor orders an MRI to show him the source of the disease in our bodies. The MRI doesn't heal us---it just exposes the disease. That's what the law does--exposes our sin.
Paul was changed that day on the Damascus road. He was saved by grace through faith. And then Jesus took Paul away to teach him. The law had only exposed his problem. It didn't change him. He needed to be changed by his encounter with the Word...Jesus. And not only was he three years in the desert with Jesus, it was 14 years before he began his ministry. Still learning, I'm sure.
Paul was transformed by allowing the Word to renew his mind. And it took years. I think we can take heart through that! But it's not the knowledge of the law that changes us---it's our encounter with Jesus, the Word. I'm glad I was in Sunday School yesterday!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
What I learned in church
"Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour. Withstand him; be firm in faith [against his onset--rooted, established, strong, immovable, and determined], knowing that the same (identical) sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood (the whole body of Christians) throughout the world. vs.10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace [Who imparts all blessing and favor], Who has called you to His [own] eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself complete and make you what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely, and strengthen, and settle you. To Him be the dominion (power, authority, rule) forever and ever. Amen (so be it)."
Last week, when he preached on verse 10, it was eye-opening. Like many of us say, I'd read this verse many times...but I'd never seen it....especially taking it in context. We're told the enemy is going to come around. He's going to try and devour us. We're told to withstand him. We're told we're going to suffer. We're warned and prepared.
But.....when you've suffered a little while, the God of all grace...will HIMSELF complete and make you what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely, and strengthen and settle you.
God allows the battles with the predator. And like He taught me recently---it's all good! He knows that it's going to make us stronger as we learn to battle. And He knows He's going to move in at the end of the battle and complete us. He's going to settle us down. I like how the New Living Translation says it, "...So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation."
God comes in at the end and rescues us. He restores us. He comforts us. He supports us. He strengthens us. He settles us. I love that about God. It's something to look forward to at the end of a long, hard battle.
Friday, June 12, 2009
May I wax that lip for you?

I found out where that term came from. About six months ago, I went to get my hair cut. Now this hairstylist is a girl I love that I mentored a few years ago. I always get my brows waxed. This time she looked at me and asked, "Do we wax your lip?" WHAT???? I calmly replied, "Does it need it?" To which she calmly replied, "Yes," and didn't wait for an answer as she began smearing hot wax on my upper lip.
Ok....that was weird. Obviously my eyes are getting worse. I didn't even know I needed a lip wax. A couple of months later, Caitlin and Alexis came over and we had a girls night where we had a beauty makeover for Gran. As Caitlin was applying makeup on one side of my face she exclaimed, "Ooooh, Gran! You've got a black hair on your lip!" (Said with extreme disgust!) I put my glasses on and looked in the mirror----and sure enough! One lone wild black hair. It was disgusting!
Girls, I try to mentor you. I try to prepare you for things that no one tells you about. I am 53. Appparently, this is when you began learning for yourself what a wild hair really is. And now? I get the whole blue and yellow tile thing....I also regularly put my glasses on and look in the mirror.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
It's All Good
"We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose." Romans 8:28
That's what God told me this week when I told Him that I wanted to change my attitude. I'm a complainer. I admit it. I would have been wandering in the wilderness for 40 years---or dead---if I'd been following Moses. I absolutely hate being a complainer! You may not hear it coming out of my mouth, but it's in my heart---and God knows it. (And then again, you may have heard it come out of my mouth!)
I read the first chapter of "One Month to Live" by Kerry & Chris Shook and I told God if I only had one month to live, then I'd want to change that about me. So he said, "What if you have more than a month?" Ok....I still want to change that about me.
It's all good. Even when the bad stuff happens. Even when I'm out of control. Even when money is tight. Even when kids are disobedient. Even when others don't meet my needs. Even when someone I love is sick. Even when I'm sick. It's all good.
And...even when good stuff happens. Even when I pretend to be in control. Even when I have all the money I need. Even when kids are obeying. And even when my needs are being met. Even when we're all well. It's all GOOD.
It's ALL good!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Present Duties
"She considers a [new] field before she buys or accepts it [expanding prudently and not courting neglect of her present duties by assuming other duties]; with her savings [of time and strength] she plants fruitful vines in her vineyard."
This morning, Jodina shared what God had taught her as we walked. It was so amazing to me that I had to share it with you.
Does anyone have trouble saying "no" to good things? We do. Jodina & I. But I'll make it even more personal. I have trouble saying no...especially where my dear friends or family are concerned. My friends & I have done so many things together---our kids' weddings, showers, redecorating, etc.,--that when asked to help, I just have trouble saying no. I don't want to disappoint them. I also have trouble saying no to helping on showers. I either feel like I "owe" the mother or I just love the kid. Jodina & I discovered that the bottom line is this: Do we want to please God or man?
But here's how to avoid being too busy, getting overloaded or worn out. Consider a new field before you buy it or accept it. It's your investments! Consider if you should invest in that shower, providing a meal for someone sick, or hosting a dinner party. Consider it. Weigh it carefully against your present duties of your family and your home. Do you have time? Do you have the money? Will it overextend you? And you may have to run it by a counsel of friends or a husband who knows you really well. And listen to their advice!!
And then....with your savings of time and strength....DID YOU GET THAT????
WITH YOUR SAVINGS OF TIME AND can plant a garden. I think we just solved the case. This is why we're so tired, so busy, so overextended! We don't stop and consider our investments. We're afraid to say no.
Jodina & I have decided to sit down with our dear friends and give each other permission to say no. And then we're going to go plant a vineyard with all that extra energy!! Grape juice, anyone? (I am a Baptist after all...)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Mission Opportunity

If you're looking for a mission opportunity for your family, your small group, your civic organization, or your church, check this out!
One of our former youth is in Niger, West Africa---the poorest country in the world. She has been in the beginning stages of this project and was instrumental in getting Penny to be a part of the orphanage. Maybe it would be better to just read...
Hosanna has been working with the impoverished community for many years in the rural areas and in the city of Niamey. We were especially helping children in critical situations with education, food and medical care. Several months ago God gave us an even greater responsibility to care for more of these kind of children that where coming to the church and to the mission house directly for help. All this began when 2 of the little boys who where abandoned by their mother were left with their old and sick father who is not able to take care of them in any way. Every day they come to the mission house and are in need of food, they need to be washed and clothed and to play. Soon after that we found a 14 year old girl at the gate, smelling really bad, wearing some dirty clothes, who was asking for some kind of work and a place to stay. Two other teenagers, a boy and his sister came to the church through their brother who worked in Niamey as a watchman. All three of them are orphans. The other children are also from very poor families who are not able to take care of their children by providing food or sending them to school. As a result they ended up in the streets. After they came to church and accepted the Lord, they too join the other kids at the church for activities, for food and for shelter on a daily basis. After checking out all these 12 children’s background and family situations we realised that this is a real opportunity and responsibility to care for them. As a mission and a church we were quick to agree that the children could find a home there and stay in the church building. However, the cooking, cleaning, and general care of the children is provided up to now through the mission house. Because of the growing activities of the ministry this soon became too big of a task for us as a family. So we began to pray for someone to come live with the children and care for them. We were delighted when our prayers were answered and Penny, a young missionary girl from the US, already in Niger extended her stay. Her educational background is in sociology and she is very excited about this opportunity to serve. But this is not an easy task. Many of the children must be taught to cook, clean, and bathe. Several do not speak French well enough to complete classes at the local school. In order to prepare the children to be productive adults, classes and activities are being arranged. Other organizations in the area are also getting involved and will be providing bible lessons, craft sessions, and recreation. We are very blessed that God has given us this opportunity! Although the community has assisted sometimes financially and in prayer, the cost is too great for us alone. The furniture for the rooms, like beds with drawers, desks and shelves have been provided by Operation Blessing. Living room, dining room furniture and the mattresses for the beds have been provided by Helfende Haende. E.V. from Germany. There are still many repairs that must be made to the home. In addition, several appliances that must be purchased for several areas, as listed below.
Start up Cost ($2,800)
Paints $250
Electrician $200
Plumbing $250
Water filter $250
Fridge Repair $300
Major Repair (Tile, Doorknobs
Doors, Cabinets, Table) $350
Fan/AC Repair $500
Playground $150
Dishes/Pots/Pan $200
Roof repairs $200
Window and door screens for Malaria prevention $150
And...of course...there will be daily expenses to maintain the orphanage!
If you're interested in helping in any way, please contact Richard Snow in Borger, TX at:
(806) 273-5984-home
(806) 681-9377-cell
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I wish I had a visa....


Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Guard the Gates
This week, a friend reminded me that we should strengthen the bars of our gates. And I've been thinking on that. This morning, when I met to pray with my prayer partners, we were talking about how tired we all are---unusually tired! I think it's partly from the busyness of these days. I really do. It seems like time is speeding up and our days are crammed full of activity. And then I began wondering, "Is this a new ploy of the enemy? Is he trying to get us so busy, so tired, that we're not watching our gate?"
So...I'm warning you...and me. Strengthen and guard your gate. STAY ALERT! Your enemy is prowling around seeking someone to devour. I've been so overwhelmed lately with counseling women whose marriages are falling apart. (Part of my tiredness...) Spend time w/ the Lord and stay in His Word. Pray diligently for your own family and for others.