Sunday, December 28, 2008

Doctrines of Demons

I Timothy 4:1-5
But the [Holy] Spirit distinctly and expressly declares that in latter times some will turn away from the faith, giving attention to deluding and seducing spirits and doctrines that demons teach, Through the hypocrisy and pretensions of liars whose consciences are seared (cauterized), Who forbid people to marry and [teach them] to abstain from [certain kinds of] foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and have [an increasingly clear] knowledge of the truth. For everything God has created is good, and nothing is to be thrown away or refused if it is received with thanksgiving. For it is hallowed and consecrated by the Word of God and by prayer."

I definitely want to come in agreement with the Word of God about my body being His sanctuary. This verse teaches that in the last days, false doctrines will be taught by demons through liars. People will be taught not to get married. (Isn't it interesting how many people are teaching their children to just live with someone---to "test them out?") And they'll be taught to abstain from certain kinds of foods. (How many kinds of diets are out there???) But God created these foods to be received with thanksgiving. Actually, I think this verse is pretty self-explanatory. I just want to come in agreement with God's Word. I want to hallow and consecrate what I eat by the Word of God and by prayer. I think Satan has lied to us and we've bought it! He's told us we shouldn't eat certain foods. But God's Word says here that everything that God created is good! You might argue that some things we eat have been altered by man---they're not "natural." But I ask you...did God create it? I mean...there's really nothing that exists that God hasn't created. And I would agree that the natural form is probably the best for us. But I have to agree with this verse that says that nothing is to be thrown away or refused if it is received with thanksgiving. It makes me think of my China experience when I ate bees. Yes...honey bees, deep fried. That was pretty natural and I was grateful---that I was able to keep them down in front of friends who were honoring me! ha!
I want God to renew my mind. I want to come in agreement with Him! His Word is Truth and I believe as I agree with it, my mind and actions will change. And...I believe what I eat will be consecrated as I give thanks for it. And it's so contrary to what the world teaches, isn't it? But then...most things God teaches are contrary to the world's doctrine---or the doctrines of demons.


Sandra said...

I read this verse just a few weeks ago - I think I've missed it as I've read it in the past, but it really caught my attention this time. Really, how many things have you heard of lately that you shouldn't eat?

Rachel said...

Did you get bee fuzz in your teeth? If you did could you use the stinger to get it out? These questions just popped in my head.

David Dietz said...

I agree. Sort of. Absolutely God is the creator of all things. And we are to be grateful for what he has given us. But in retrospect, if we look at foods in comparison now to the foods in bible times they don't match up. Granted, you said natural is better. But, even looking at something as "natural" as vegetables makes me think. It's estimated that the average person consumes approximately 8lbs of pesticides a year! I don't think God intended for our bodies to handle those types of foods. That's gross just to think about. Also, I saw tonight how Aspertaime breaks down into Formaldehyde which the body can not digest. And the leading preservative used in today's foods (MSG) eats holes in your brain that your body can't repair. I think part of the lies of the enemy is that these chemicals and additives are ok. When in reality it's killing us. I'll post my own blog on this one later. Typing on my iPhone takes too much time. Stay posted.

Becky Dietz said...

Rachel: No fuzz so I didn't need to use the stingers. I just tried to close my mind to what I was eating. They were crunchy.

David: I think the point in this verse is the faith it mentions. Faith to believe God can change the molecular structure of anything we eat. "For it is hallowed and consecrated by the Word of God and by prayer."