Saturday, February 22, 2025

Submit and Resist

How many times do we get this backwards? We resist God and submit to the devil. 

To submit is to get in military order, to obey, to submit to one’s control, to yield. God is KING. But He gives us the choice whether we come under His authority and His command. We don’t have to—He’ll let us control. But everything will be completely out of order. 

To resist is to set oneself against, to oppose, withstand. We have to oppose Satan and his plan. This is an active duty. It may be as simple as saying, “No!” But it may be as involved as going into a season of prayer and fasting and quoting scripture out loud (giving the Spirit a sword to wield). 

When we take control, we are submitting to the enemy and resisting God. Stop and think about it. When YOU want control, you are resisting God—and submitting to the devil, who is the ultimate resister of God. Chaos will reign. But when we come under God’s authority and fight the enemy, we draw near to God and He races to us—like a magnet being attracted to metal. The battle may still rage, but we know we are protected and loved. We know God is in control and He is a fierce Warrior…and a benevolent King. He will come to you. He will guard and protect you. 

We have a choice. There WILL be submission—either to God or the enemy. There’s no middle ground. And there WILL be resisting. We just have a choice whom we’ll resist. It’s bigger than just order or chaos. It’s a matter of allegiance.  

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