Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Fasting for the First Time

It was probably 35 years ago. I hadn’t grown up knowing about fasting. I mean, I’d heard of Esther telling Mordecai to call the Jewish people to a fast before she went before King Ahasuerus to save their lives. But I’d never known anyone who fasted and talked about it. But I was desperate. Our finances were a mess. We were in over our heads with no way out. Looking back, I’m sure I talked about it all the time with our friends. In fact, a friend later asked why I hadn’t gotten a job. I don’t know. My theology was way off about women working. Plus, I was out to prove a family could live on one income while a mom stayed home. So there was pride, too.  

So I decided to fast and pray about our finances. I chose a 7-day no-food fast. The first couple of days were a little difficult—but that third day was a killer!  I later learned that’s the day all the toxins leave your body. I had a headache that wouldn’t quit! I certainly didn’t do much praying that day. But that fourth day? It’s like everything came into focus. I was spending time with God, listening, watching, waiting. And at the end of that seventh day, I was sad to break my fast. But I did.  

My finances didn’t change immediately…but I did. Later, a friend told me her husband asked, “What happened to Becky? She seems so peaceful!”  I guess I’d quit talking about my finances. I’d gotten a new perspective—God was in control all along. And He knew the way out of our mess. It was also the beginning of my changing theology. I began to see the Word through God’s lens of love and grace.  

Everything didn’t change at once. But everything changed. And, I believe fasting is what set things in motion. Since then, I’ve done other fasts. I’ve done a Daniel fast consisting of vegetables, fruit, and water. I’ve done a social media fast by turning it all off.  The goal of the fast is to bring your pressing, immediate needs before a God who loves you and cares about every detail of your life. He wants to hear your concerns. He wants you to get a perspective of Who He is and what He can do. He wants you to see His great power!! And He wants you to get out of the way. 

Fasting may not change your circumstances immediately (and it may!)…but I can promise it will change you. It may even save a nation. 

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