Thursday, July 29, 2021

Who Owns Your Heart?

When you casually observe people in our world today, it’s easy to see a world obsessed with money.  We either see people working hard to give themselves—but more likely, their children—everything.  Or we see others who’ve completely quit working and are living off of a free handout.  Either way, they’re serving money.  

But let’s bring it closer to home.  How much of a hold does money have on your life?  Are you consumed with fear because you don’t make enough money to live comfortably or don’t have enough money to retire? Are you always thinking of the next thing to buy—a bigger house, a better car, newer technology, every activity your child can imagine? Does money consume your thoughts—even though you know God has told us not to love money?

Years ago, God showed me how to break the hold (or fear) money had over my life.  I would write a check for 10% of our income to take as a tithe to God to our church. I would wave it in the air before I left my home and declare, “I will serve God, not money!!” That 10% grew larger as my income increased.  And soon, I was giving offerings beyond my tithe.  As I would see a need, I would quickly help—without thinking of other ways I could use that money for myself.  Soon…money had no hold over my life.  I became a giver.  It’s a life I cherish because I was consumed with fear when I served money. 

In the last days, people will be lovers of money.  That breeds greed, fear, control, fightings, selfishness, haughtiness, conceit, and climbing ladders propped against the wrong wall. 

You will either serve God or money.  Not both.  

No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”  
Matthew 6:24

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