Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Passover & the Plague of the CoronaVirus

Passover begins tomorrow.  I believe Passover is more significant to us than it’s ever been.  Exodus 11-12 tells the story of the original Passover.  Here it is in a nutshell:

1. Israel had been slaves to Egypt (the world) for 430 years to the day of their deliverance. 
2. God had a plan of redemption through one man, Moses (picture of Jesus). 
3. There was a series of 10 plagues to loosen Pharaoh’s grip to be willing to let God’s people go.  The last plague was what became known as Passover. 
4. Israelites were to ask Egypt for their gold and silver—a great transfer of wealth. 
5. Israelites were to kill a lamb and put the blood on the doorframe of their homes (picture of Jesus, the lamb of God, shedding his blood to save us from our sin).   If there was blood on the doorposts (in the shape of a cross), the death angel would “pass over” that house.  
6. God’s people were to eat the lamb and unleavened bread (leaven is a picture of sin) and wear clothes ready to travel and follow Him out of Egypt and into the Promised Land.  
7.  People without blood on their door posts experienced the death of their firstborn child and animals.  (People who never receive the blood of Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins experience eternal death). 

What if the “plague” of CoronaVirus...before and during Passover...is to get our attention?  Is God telling us it’s time to come out of Egypt—the world? Have we held on to the world too tightly?   Have we allowed other gods in our lives?  Have we been contaminated with leaven (sin)?  We MUST have the blood on the doorposts of our hearts for eternal deliverance. But then He also tells us to purify our hearts and come out from among them (the world).  It’s time to follow hard after God with ALL of our hearts!  

Passover begins tomorrow.  We have a beautiful opportunity to examine our hearts—and to encourage everyone we know to do the same!

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