Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Last of the Tame & Gentle Days

The Last of the Tame & Gentle Days
by Becky Dietz

I’ve been teaching our young people in our church about the Last Days.  This past Sunday, I took them to II Timothy 3 and had them look up each word in verses 1-5 in the Blue Letter Bible (an app on our phones).  In there, they found the original Greek meaning of these words.  Of course, I’d researched it all myself before I gave them this task, but they surprised me with what they found!

I’d gone directly to the Greek meanings when I’d researched, but they paid attention to every detail.  In verse 1 when it talks about the last days, last means “final.”   Days means a 24 hour period or the last days of this present age.  But the young man who looked it up also found days to be closely akin to the word which means “tame and gentle.”   Wow!!!

Are we in those days?   The final days of this present age?   The last of the tame and gentle days?   If we believe the countdown of the last days began in 1948 when Israel became a nation—then, yes.  Are the birth pains speeding up and becoming more intense?   Our youth had a strong opinion about that—adamantly YES!   Will we see see harder things?  Absolutely.  Do we have to fear what’s ahead?   NO!   God has gone before us!  And I believe these days may actually bring about our greatest opportunitities as believers.  

The tame and gentle days may be behind us.  

Friday, July 10, 2020

Hard Ministry

Every ministry we’ve been in has had some hard times—and also some glorious times!   But one particular place we ministered in was a very hard three years.  One year into that ministry, I began praying and begging God to move us.  It was overwhelming.   But we wouldn’t leave that church for two more years.  

For instance, we soon found out that every time my husband was invited to lunch by someone in the church, it was to “correct” him.  He was invited to lunch almost every week.  At one of those meetings, he was told that if he didn’t start doing his ministry the way this man wanted, he would send the letter he presented to my husband to the personnel committee to have him fired.  We were building a house and a man from the church went to our builder and told him he should stop the building  process because we were leaving.  I guess he intended to make sure we were leaving.  “Accusations and Manipulation” could have been the church motto.  

But if that’s all I told you about that particular ministry, I’d be unfair.  Our staff had a bond which continues to this day.  We needed each other and were committed to covering one another with truth.  We also had some friends who surrounded us with love and loyalty.  But those things are not even the best part of that ministry.  The fire we walked through those three years purified and strengthened us.  God taught us things about ourselves and about our ministry we would never have learned any other way.  In fact, we look back on that ministry with great fondness because of what God taught us.  And there was fruitfulness in spite of some very hard ground. Some of those young people we taught are now in the ministry. 

I tell you all of this to say, don’t despise the hard places!  Ask God what He wants to teach you and cooperate with Him.  Press into Him!  You just might be surprised to find that the hard places create diamonds.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

People Who Morph!

I’ve been studying II Timothy 3 where it talks about the last days.  I’ve been going through each word and looking up the original meaning.  Verse 4-5 says, “...(people will be) lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!”

The first part of that verse means just what it says.  But the last half caused me to say, “Whoa!!” 

Having a form of godliness implies someone who morphs from being godly one moment and living like the world the next moment.  Or living like the world during the week and morphing into “godliness” on Sundays—or when the preacher walks in the room. 

Denying the power of godliness is denying the dynamite power which lives inside a believer—the power of the Holy Spirit.  The Greek word includes the power of the Spirit to do miracles, to walk in moral power and excellence of life, to live a life of influence, and to have the power of an army.  Wow!!   That’s a lot of power offered us.  

I believe the only reason we’d live a life of morphing from one person to the other is because we refuse to give up control.  We don’t want to yield to the Spirit of God.  A life of morphing versus a life of power in the Spirit?   It doesn’t even make sense when you look at it this way.  

That last part?   “From such people turn away,” actually means, “Avoid them!”  That’s because we’re taught in I Corinthians 15:33 that “evil company corrupts good habits.” Find people walking in the power of the Spirit and link arms.  The power will be that of a strong army! 

Monday, July 6, 2020

Perilous Times

II Timothy 3:1 says, “ But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come...” The rest of the chapter describes what that looks like—disobedient children, brutal people, blasphemers, traitors, slanderers, etc.  

But today, I decided to look up the root word for “perilous.”   I was surprised at what I found.  It comes from the Greek word chalepos which gives the idea of reducing strength.  The only other time this word is used in the Bible is in Mark 8:28.  It’s how the demoniacs made people feel as they came running out of the tombs.  The demoniacs were fierce!   And that fierceness made grown men “reduce their strength.”

I believe in these last days (because I believe that’s what we’ve entered), things will become fierce. Satan wants our strength reduced!! He’s in it to win it.  How do we keep from being scared to death?   Jesus gave us an example.  He commanded the demons to come out.  He had authority over them.  And he’s given us that same authority.  

We have got to stay connected to God during these fierce days.  We’ve got to be plugged into the Word.  We’ve got to be listening to the Holy Spirit.  And we’ve got to remember the authority we’ve been given.  

The Word of God says we’re experiencing birth pains.  Birth pains become more intense and closer together with time.  You can expect both.  Perilous times are coming.   

Monday, June 29, 2020

Clothed in Beauty

Clothed in Beauty
by Becky Dietz

What is God’s heart towards you??   Let me tell you...

While Aaron was at the foot of the mountain collecting the people’s gold earrings to make a golden calf—an idol...

God was giving Moses instructions on the top of that same mountain to make holy garments for Aaron so that he could minister to God as a priest.  They were to be handcrafted by skilled artisans who were filled with the spirit of wisdom. The purpose of these garments was for glory and beauty.  

As I thought on this yesterday during our worship time at church, I was overcome.  All I could do was weep. God knows we’ll mess up...sin.  He knows who we are to the depths of our hearts.  But he still clothes us, his priests, with beauty and glory...because He loves us so unconditionally.  

Aaron had no clue what God had planned.  

Monday, June 22, 2020

Waiting in the Place of Inactivity

Waiting in the Place of Inactivity
by Becky Dietz

We’ve all been there.  We’ve needed God to move and we asked...but nothing.  So we waited and waited.  Until we just couldn’t wait any more.  

All of the Israelites had heard God’s laws, made a covenant, and promised to obey everything he said. Moses, Joshua, Aaron and his sons, and 70 other elders went to the mountain to hear God. They didn’t just hear him, they SAW HIM and ATE WITH HIM!!  (Exodus 24). What an amazing privilege.  Miraculous!!

Then God called Moses up higher.  Before Moses left, he told the people that if there were any problems to consult Aaron & Hur.  Aaron had been a leader from the beginning and both men had held up Moses’ arms during the war.  They were the dependable leaders.  And...they’d seen God!

After about 40 days of inactivity, the people decided Moses wasn’t coming back and they told Aaron they needed “gods to go before them.”   And even as God’s presence was still visibly on the mountain, Aaron created a golden calf—a graven image—to lead the people.  They’d already broken covenant with God.  Was God truly inactive with the Israelites?  No.  He was busy giving Moses the blueprints for their future. 

Before we judge Aaron and the Israelites too harshly, we need to examine our own hearts.   What have we done in the waiting place of inactivity?  It’s a hard place to be.  We can’t see what God is doing on that mountain.  We don’t know if he’s busy drawing up blueprints for our lives...or if he’s just being still and doing nothing.  Even if God is just being still, we shouldn’t make a move without him.  And what if he’s busy putting a plan in place?  What if he’s about to take us on a grand adventure?  We don’t want to miss anything!  And we certainly don’t want to be the leader who takes his people into idolatry.   

Friday, June 19, 2020

The Dam of Restraint

The Dam of Restraint 
by Becky Dietz

Andy & I were praying with our friends, Jamie & Jessica, when Jamie began to read II Thessalonians 2:7.  “ For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work in the world, [but it is] restrained only until he who restrains is taken out of the way.”

He began to share what God had revealed to him.  Of course the One who restrains is the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit (Who lives in every believer) is like a dam holding back the lawlessness at work in the world.  As believers, we can come in agreement with the work of the Holy Spirit as we link arms of prayer and speak truth to restrain the work of lawlessness. 

When the One who restrains is taken out of the way, the Antichrist will be revealed.  The dam of restraint will be broken and the waters of lawlessness will flood the earth!

I love this picture of the dam of restraint Jamie gave us.  

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A Teachable Spirit

A Teachable Spirit
by Becky Dietz

Don’t you love someone with an open, teachable spirit?   God does, too.  I wonder if that’s what God treasured in David, “who had a heart like God?”  

What is a teachable spirit?   It’s someone who is capable of learning...but it’s more than that.  It’s someone who is willing to listen, to receive instruction, and who is open-minded.  They’re willing and eager to learn from others. They may investigate and consider—but they’re willing to change directions, if needed.  

Maybe it’s easier to catch a vision of this person by seeing the opposite of a teachable spirit.  That person thinks they already know how to do everything.  They won’t listen to instruction.  They may appear to listen, but then do their own thing anyway.  They are unwilling to listen to someone older, younger, of the opposite sex, or to that person who has  different ideologies.  They’re unwilling to change directions.  They’ll follow their own course of action even if it leads to a dead end.  They’re hard-headed, close-minded, and...just unteachable..  

Moses learning from his father-in-law, Jethro, is a great example of a teachable spirit.  Moses was listening to the conflicts of the people  Jethro came to him and said, “This is going to wear you out!   Find capable, wise men and set them over smaller groups to judge the people.  You just listen to the hardest cases!”   Moses immediately changed the course of his direction and acted on what Jethro suggested.  

I believe God is looking to use people with a teachable spirit—like He did Moses and David.  Those people are willing to change direction and follow Him wherever He leads.  They have a heart like God.  

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Not Fearing Fear

Not Fearing Fear
by Becky Dietz
Fear is as old as Satan himself.  And it’s probably the tool he uses most.  Fear should be a spiritual stop sign for you.  If you feel fear—STOP!!!   Turn to God and ask for truth. Knowing truth brings freedom—even freedom from fear.  

I was reading Exodus 14 this morning.  It’s the account of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt to and through the Red Sea. Verse 8 says, “And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he pursued the children of Israel; and the children of Israel went out with boldness.”   It was probably their last bold act.  

Verse 10 (two verses later) says, “And when Pharaoh drew near, the children of Israel lifted their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians marched after them.  So they were very afraid, and the children of Israel cried out to the Lord.”   They did the right thing—they cried out to God! 

They’d seen Pharaoh break his promise over and over.  There would be a plague and he’d say he’d let them go—but after the plague stopped, he’d change his mind.  He’d finally let them go and they thought all was well.  But he and his entire army were hot on their heels!   FEAR!!!   And they turned and blamed Moses.  

But God had a plan the whole time.  He knew the Israelites would constantly be looking over their shoulders unless he put an end to this source of fear.  They crossed the Red Sea on miraculous dry ground and when the Egyptian army followed them, their chariot wheels started falling off and the sea swallowed them up.  Verse 30 says, “...Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore.”   God knew they’d need proof their enemy was dead.  

It’s been so easy to read this through the years and say, “They’d seen God deliver them over and over through the plagues.  They saw God’s power!!   So why did they fear?”  But now we know, don’t we?  We’ve all seen God’s power in our lives.  But when Satan moves in with fear, that’s all we can see!  We fear a plague called Coronavirus.  We fear racial riots and what it’s doing to our country.  Satan won’t stop there.  He’ll bring more things our way to cause more fear.  But God has not given us a spirit of fear—but of love, power, and a sound mind. The spirit of fear (and notice it’s a spirit!) isn’t from God.  I love what Moses told the Israelites:

 And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”

NO FEAR!!  Watch God fight for you and hold your peace.  HANG ON TO PEACE!  Don’t let Satan convince you that fear is the correct response.  Turn to God and keep your peace.  

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Change Your Children’s Mindsets, Mama!

Change Your Children’s Mindsets, Mama!
by Becky Dietz

I was reading about God’s instructions to Moses yesterday in Exodus 3–to go and deliver Israel from slavery to the Egyptians.  Verse 22 stood out to me.  “But every woman shall ask of her neighbor, namely, of her who dwells near her house, articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing; and you shall put on your sons and daughters.  So you shall plunder the Egyptians.”

Women.  Women were to ask other women for treasures.   And they were to clothe their sons and daughters with these riches!   Now remember, the Israelites were slaves.  When you’re a slave, you have the mindset of a slave—you do what you’re told.  You would also have a poverty mindset.  You’d feel helpless, used, and abused. 

But God knew how to change all of that. He has transformative power.  And he empowered these mamas.  “Go and get treasures and put them on your sons and daughters.” This is a picture of more than outward treasures.  I imagine these mamas began to tell their children who they really were—sons and daughters of Abraham, Jacob & Isaac.  These children began to see their value and worth. 

God has empowered us in the same way.  Tell your children who they really are.  They are made in the image of God Almighty!   They’ve been created to be the temple—the dwelling place—of God Himself.  God knew them before they were born and designed every part of their being—intricately.  Fill their minds with treasures!

After all...these are the very children who did—and will—enter the Promised Land.  God knows how to prepare them.  

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Shaking & Awakening

Shaking & Awakening
by Becky Dietz

I believe we’ve been through a time of shaking for the past few months.  The Coronavirus, the pandemic, and the quarantine created a shaking in our world.  In fact, because it was worldwide, it absolutely got our attention. I don’t know about you, but it’s been hard to focus.  We all thought we’d get so much done while we had to be still and inside, but it had the opposite effect.  There was so much information coming at us—and it was all so different—that we didn’t know what to believe.  The result was lots of fear.  Fear of not knowing what would happen next.  Fear of losing businesses or jobs.  Fear of not having enough groceries or the basic necessities of life.  And fear of a virus which could kill.  We were shaken.   

And then the unnecessary and gut-wrenching death of George Floyd was the explosive cannon shot which propelled us into an awakening.  It was the catalyst which made the Church begin to speak out about the hidden sin of racism.  It’s no longer enough to be a non-racist.  We have got to be anti-racists and fight it with all of our being.   We need to take a strong stand against treating ANY man, woman, or child created in the image of God differently.  It’s wrong for any people of color to question their worth or purpose in the kingdom of God.  It’s wrong for them to have to look over their shoulder or fear going into a new situation.  There is no one more or less valuable than another.  We may have always known racism was wrong—but we’ve been awakened to the need to strongly support and love all people!  It’s an awakening which has been needed for generations.  

God is doing a new thing.  Our eyes need to be wide open and we need to be listening to His voice.  I can promise we don’t want to miss what He’s going to do next.   He’s raising up Joshuas and Calebs...Esthers and Deborahs for such a time as this.  Have your hearts purified and prepared as He gets ready to expand His kingdom.  Don’t miss this epic opportunity!  

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

When It’s a Bad Reflection on You

When It’s a Bad Reflection on You
by Becky Dietz

We’ve all felt, at times, the impact of the choices others make is a reflection on us. It’s especially true if they’re our spouse, children, or parents.  Interestingly, as I looked for a photo of a reflection, I was directed to “images.”   That’s pretty profound!   We want to maintain our good image—and are afraid the choices of those close to us may adversely affect us.  

How does God handle how our choices affect Him?  I found the answer in Genesis 38. A little background...Judah is Jacob’s fourth son by Leah.  His name means “praise!”  He was jealous of his younger half-brother, Joseph, and suggested to his other brothers that they sell him to the Ishmaelites...and they did.  

Now Judah has a grown son who is married.  His firstborn was “wicked in the eyes of the Lord,” so God killed him.  It was customary for the next son to marry the widow and give her sons, so the second-born son married Tamar.  He was also wicked and died.  Judah promised the third son to Tamar after he grew up but never gave him out of fear he’d die also.  Judah’s own wife dies and he goes to shear sheep—but on the way, he stops and hires a “prostitute.”  It was actually Tamar posing as a prostitute—but she slept with him and kept his things to prove who was the father of her child should she get pregnant.  He was ready to have her killed when he learned she was pregnant—until she produced his signet, cord, and staff.  His words were, “she has been more righteous than I...”

What a terrible story!! I think if I’d been God, I would have left that one out of the book.  Instead, God prominently displays it.  Tamar had twins by Judah: Perez & Zerah.  In Matthew 1:3 it says, “And Judah begot Perez and Zerah by Tamar and Perez begot Hezron...”.  These verses are talking about the lineage of Christ.  

How does God handle it when His kids behave badly and are a poor reflection of who He is?   He tells the story. He redeems it.  He embraces it.  He uses it.  

Jesus Christ, the lion of Judah!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

That Gut Feeling

I was reading Genesis 27 this morning.  It’s the story of Jacob stealing Esau’s blessing—at the encouragement of his mother, I might add.  

Here’s what struck me.  Isaac was almost blind.  But Jacob knew his father might touch him—and he had baby-smooth skin compared to Esau’s hairy skin.  And he knew Esau had an earthy scent.  So he deceived his father by wearing the skin of an animal and Esau’s clothing.  

SIX TIMES...six times Isaac had a gut instinct. 
1.  Vs. 18-19. “Who are you my son?”
2.  Vs. 20. “How is it that you found it (wild game) so quickly?”
3.  Vs. 21. “Please come near that I may feel you.”
4.  Vs. 22.  “The voice is Jacob’s voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau.”
5.  Vs. 24. “Are you really my son Esau?”
6.  Vs. 26-27.  “‘Come near and kiss me, my son.’ And he came near and kissed him, and he smelled the smell of his clothing, and blessed him.”

Six times, there was a check in Isaac’s spirit.  Six is the number of man. Six times there was a check, and he examined it—and Jacob.  But he was deceived.  

This story today just made me think of all the checks I’ve had in my gut recently.  I keep checking facts, examining, questioning.  But if I don’t ask the Holy Spirit to lead me to TRUTH, I’ll be deceived.  

Just like Isaac.  

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


by Becky Dietz

Am I the only one?   I thought with a quarantine, I’d get so much accomplished.   I thought I’d spend a lot of time in the Word and journal about deep and meaningful things. I have about five books I want to read. I thought I’d be sending lots of encouraging notes.  I thought I’d be calling people and checking on them every day.  I thought I’d find creative ways to minister.  I even thought I’d watch some really good movies and maybe do a jigsaw puzzle.  

Instead...I’ve been so distracted!!   I never knew I had a short attention span.  Or maybe I haven’t until now.  Maybe it’s the uncertainty.  Or maybe it’s just being told to stay in my house.  Maybe it’s wondering what happens next.  But whatever it is, I just can’t seem to concentrate for more than a few minutes at a time.  

As I talked to God about this, He began to comfort me and pull me in closely.  I told Him I haven’t been fearful—I think I’m just feeling the uncertainty of the times—things are shaking! So He reminded me that He’s the ONLY ONE who holds all truth and the ONLY ONE who knows what the future holds. In fact, He said I’d be wise to get all of my information from HIM instead of the media.  It’s helped a lot!!  I wouldn’t say I have a new attention span...but my focus has shifted to the One who has the answers.  Our world has been shaken—but we are standing on solid ground—the Rock, Christ Jesus!

Monday, April 20, 2020

You Were Created Differently

You Were Created Differently
by Becky Dietz

When I read a story in the Bible, I almost always identify with the good guy, don’t you?   Well this morning, God showed me I was Cain, not Abel.  

God created these two men differently.  And with that difference, came distinct expectations.  You have to know that God had told Cain, the ground tiller, what was expected when he harvested his crops.  He was to bring his firstfruits FIRST.  He may have even been instructed to have an 8-day feast including 2 days of sabbath, like Moses was instructed later.  Abel, on the other hand, was a shepherd and God’s expectation from him was a blood sacrifice of the firstborn of his flock.  God always told man what the requirements were for obedience beforehand.  And then He required complete obedience. 

Abel obeyed.  It says “in the process of time, Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the Lord.”   Not the firstfruit.  And not when God said. 

The interesting thing is Cain became jealous of Abel.  He didn’t take responsibility for his own disobedience.  He didn’t acknowledge that God had created them differently and had unique expectations for each of their livelihoods.  He was just mad at Abel because he received God’s respect, acceptance, and favor.  (Which by the way, is a basic need of each of our hearts.)  God confronted Cain with truth: “Why are you angry?  If you’ll just’ll find respect, acceptance, and favor.  If you continue to disobey, sin will devour you. But I’m telling you—you can rule over that sin!”

Yes...I’m Cain.  I want everyone to be held to the same standard of requirements which God has for me.  Do we have some of the basic requirements for obedience?  Of course!   But God has also created us uniquely and individually with expectations all our own.  It’s easy for me to get jealous when someone else just has to kill an animal when I must prepare an 8-day feast including two sabbaths.   And that difference can lead to murder in my heart.  

I don’t want to be Cain.  I want to value the differences which God has created for each of us. I want to focus on complete obedience—because I want to live in the favor of God.  And I want the same for you.  We can’t demand that everyone fit our mold; instead, let’s respect and appreciate the differences of one another!  God created us uniquely for a reason.  

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How Do I Know Jesus’ Return is Soon?

First of all...what is Jesus’ return?   And who is it for?  Most Christians call it the Rapture—even though the Bible never uses that word. I Thessalonians 4:13-17 clearly tells us that Jesus is returning for those who have followed him with all of their hearts.  Believers.  But not just those who’ve said, “Yes, there is a God.”   But those who have put their full faith in God and have made Him the boss of their lives and have followed him with their whole hearts.  So this is a time to examine ourselves.  Do we have that kind of faith?   Have we asked God to forgive us of our sins and invited Him into our lives and made Him Lord (or boss) of our lives?   Are we following and obeying Him?   If you haven’t, you can do that today!   It’s simple—just admit to God you’re a sinner and you need Him to forgive you.  Give Him your heart and invite Him into your life. He will come in—and He’ll never leave.  That’s who Jesus is coming for!

Matthew 24 says when we see these signs being fulfilled, we can know Jesus’ return is near.  Amos 9, Jeremiah 30, Isaiah 11 & 43 all talk about the people of Israel coming back to their home.  The world thought that would never happen—because Israel didn’t even exist for centuries.  But in 1948, Israel became a nation—and people have been coming back “home” by the thousands.  

When I went to Israel a few years ago, a man told me, “If you see anything green, take a picture!”   He described Israel as rocky, dry, and desolate.  But when I got there, it was lush and green.  This is a fulfillment of prophecy in Isaiah 41!   We’re told Israel will be fruitful and lush in the last days.  Did you know it was Israel who invented drip irrigation?   It’s changed their country and they’re now feeding the world. 

In Matthew 24:32-34, Jesus is answering the disciples about the last days.  He’s talking about Israel when he talks about the olive branch.  “When it’s tender (when Israel is newly established), you can know my return is right at the door.  In fact, this generation will not pass away until these things take place.”   Many scholars believe this means that the generation who sees Israel becoming a nation will be alive when Jesus returns!

How else do I know Jesus’ return is soon?  Because there will be people who say, “People have been saying Jesus is coming back for YEARS—and it hasn’t happened yet!”   II Peter 3:3 says, “ Knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”

You might want to be looking up!


Monday, April 13, 2020

Signs of the Last Days

I’ve been reading through Revelations this month and have decided to attempt this subject—even though I’m no eschatology expert.  But I’ve been taught about the last days for most of my life and do know a few things to share.  Actually, I feel an urgency to share them!

As I’ve read through Revelations, what has struck me is how precise God is and what a detailed timeline He has.  So we can assume if He’s always been this detail oriented (and He has been), He’s just as concerned about details today. He’s given us signs to look for and most are being fulfilled and even escalating  in our lifetime.  I believe we are quickly heading towards the rapture—the time Jesus will return for the Church, His bride.  

What are the signs?
1. Many will say they are Christ. Matthew 24:5. The list of those who’ve claimed to be Christ has grown exponentially in the past two decades.  
2. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars.  Matthew 24:6. We hear of new wars every day. Just Google “Wars in this century.”
3. There will be famines, pestilences (or plagues), and earthquakes in various places.  Matthew 24:7.  Our world is experiencing unprecedented famines—with over 30 million suffering from hunger.  We’ve just experienced a worldwide plague—the CoronaVirus.  You can see hundreds of earthquakes happening in real time on the web.  A few years ago, I saw a chart of earthquakes and it looked exactly like a monitor of birth contractions.  
4.  Knowledge and travel will increase.  Daniel 12:4.  As of today, knowledge is doubling ever 13 months.  In the past century, we’ve gone from horse and buggy travel to flying across the world—and think nothing of it!  In fact, it’s how the CoronaVirus has spread so quickly across our globe!
5. Men will be lovers of themselves.  II Timothy 3:2. We’ve seen “selfies” explode in the past 5 years.  Psychology is teaching us to think of ourselves first.  
6. Men will be lovers of money.  II Timothy 3:2  Any time there is a financial crisis or the stock market fluctuates too much, there is a panic.  This has only grown.  
7. Children will be disobedient to parents.  II Timothy 3:2. We have TV shows like Supernanny because of the increase of disobedient children.  Ask any principal or teacher—disobedience is on the rise!
8. Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.  II Timothy 3:4. I think we all fight this trend.  It’s so easy to get caught up in social media rather than spending time in the Word or prayer.  It’s sometimes a hard choice—our children’s sporting events or church.  
9. People will be abusive and brutal.  II Timothy 3:3. Children suffer from abuse daily. In fact, we were warned abuse would increase during the quarantine of CoronaVirus. Brutalities are the subject of many video games and movies. Real life brutalities against total strangers are ever-increasing.    
10. Always learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.  II Timothy 3:7.  A quest for knowledge is on the rise.  We are constantly learning with a vast store of knowledge available at our fingertips.  And yet there are so many false narratives out there—but do we dig to know the truth?  Do we search the heart of God?  Do we read the Word of God—which IS truth?
11. People will be declaring “peace and safety” when destruction comes.  I Thessalonians 5:3  The UN has been calling for “peace and security (safety)” since 2016.  And it’s become their mandate during the CoronaVirus.  

I haven’t listed all of the signs.  Read Matthew 24, II Timothy 3, Daniel 12, I Thessalonians 5 (and others) for yourselves.  There are so many important signs you’ll see.  In Matthew 24:33, it says, “When you see all these thing, know that it is near—even at the door.  

“Watch therefore, for you do not know what your your Lord is coming.”  Matthew 24:42
“Behold I am coming as a thief.  Blessed is he who watches...” Revelation 16:15


Saturday, April 11, 2020

Women Were Doing

On Saturday, the women were doing.  Joseph had already asked for Jesus’ body, wrapped it,  and had laid it in his new tomb—but the body hadn’t been prepared with spices.  The women had gotten together that day to combine what spices  they had and to mix them. They were preparing and doing.  

The women weren’t hiding.  They may have been fearful, but their love for Jesus was bigger than their fear.  Roman guards weren’t standing in their way in their minds.  They were consumed with purpose.  

And..we know Jesus honored and rewarded that.  These women saw him first.  

Thursday, April 9, 2020

That Hopeless Friday

That Hopeless Friday
by Becky Dietz

Jesus was dead.  And the disciples had shut themselves in to the upper room.  They were fearful.  If the Romans had killed Jesus...who was to say they wouldn’t come after his followers?  And they were disillusioned.  Hadn’t God promised them a Messiah, a Deliverer, who would reign on David’s throne?   They kept anticipating that Jesus would become king, the next great political leader.  Of course, Jesus had tried to tell them his kingdom was different, but they just didn’t get it.  They kept expecting Jesus to overthrow the horrible Roman government.  

And now here they were with a dead leader.  He didn’t even fight his death—it’s like he just submitted to it.  And they had no idea what to do next.  Their hearts were full of fear and doubt.  It’s like one scene after another of their days with Jesus was rolling through their minds.  What had they missed?  Hadn’t he told them that if they would seek his kingdom first, everything would be given to them?   Then why were they here—hopeless, helpless, fearful, and with no plan?

There was no government who would deliver them now.  They were hunted men.  Guards were everywhere—expecting and preventing these disciples from creating a great deception. They had no one.  And Jesus had left them with no plan.  His last words were to tell John to take care of his mother and then...”It is finished.”   Finished?  Had it even started??

That Friday was full of fear and hopelessness.  

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Passover & the Plague of the CoronaVirus

Passover begins tomorrow.  I believe Passover is more significant to us than it’s ever been.  Exodus 11-12 tells the story of the original Passover.  Here it is in a nutshell:

1. Israel had been slaves to Egypt (the world) for 430 years to the day of their deliverance. 
2. God had a plan of redemption through one man, Moses (picture of Jesus). 
3. There was a series of 10 plagues to loosen Pharaoh’s grip to be willing to let God’s people go.  The last plague was what became known as Passover. 
4. Israelites were to ask Egypt for their gold and silver—a great transfer of wealth. 
5. Israelites were to kill a lamb and put the blood on the doorframe of their homes (picture of Jesus, the lamb of God, shedding his blood to save us from our sin).   If there was blood on the doorposts (in the shape of a cross), the death angel would “pass over” that house.  
6. God’s people were to eat the lamb and unleavened bread (leaven is a picture of sin) and wear clothes ready to travel and follow Him out of Egypt and into the Promised Land.  
7.  People without blood on their door posts experienced the death of their firstborn child and animals.  (People who never receive the blood of Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins experience eternal death). 

What if the “plague” of CoronaVirus...before and during to get our attention?  Is God telling us it’s time to come out of Egypt—the world? Have we held on to the world too tightly?   Have we allowed other gods in our lives?  Have we been contaminated with leaven (sin)?  We MUST have the blood on the doorposts of our hearts for eternal deliverance. But then He also tells us to purify our hearts and come out from among them (the world).  It’s time to follow hard after God with ALL of our hearts!  

Passover begins tomorrow.  We have a beautiful opportunity to examine our hearts—and to encourage everyone we know to do the same!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Listen & Obey

Listen & Obey
by Becky Dietz

Isn’t this the most basic thing we tried to teach our children?   To listen and obey.  And isn’t it the hardest thing for them to learn?   And we KNOW how important it is for them—in fact, it could save their lives!   When our kids were little, we demanded instant obedience.  We wanted to be able to yell their name and know they’d stop if a car was backing out of a driveway or racing down the street!

God’s been showing me that my obedience could save my life, too.  I need to be listening to His voice and obeying him.  He knows everything and His plan for me is good—and lifesaving.  But He also uses authorities in my life who know more than I do.  What if the president knows about a new toxin in the air and asks me to stay inside my house?  (I’m not saying this is true...but what if?)   Am I willing to listen and obey?   Or do I have a rebellious spirit and demand to do things my way?   It’s imperative that we listen and obey.

“Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.”  Romans 13:1-2

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A Pastor’s Wife is Essential

A Pastor’s Wife is Essential
by Becky Dietz

Our world has shifted with CoronaVirus.  What we once took for granted, we now see as a privilege.  Those things we glibly threw in our shopping carts before are now nowhere to be found.  

At first, it was almost like a vacation.  People were posting funny memes, hysterical photos of their kids being homeschooled, and maybe moaning a little over the inconveniences.  But I’ve felt a subtle shift this week.  It’s no longer fun being cooped up.  There’s less joviality.  And CoronaVirus is touching more people.  

That’s where you come in.  Mothers are needing a voice of calm, encouragement, and spiritual input.  YOU are going to be able to reach and minister to the women around you better than your husband.  Most of you have been there with small children and know the challenges.   Remember that time your three children got chicken pox one after the other??  Some of you have homeschooled—or are teachers—and can offer advice.  Many of you are nurses, P.A.’s or doctors and can be a calm voice of help.  But know Jesus and can teach others how to follow him, hear his voice, and receive his comfort.   

You are not a shadow of your husband, the pastor.  God created you with unique gifts and a unique calling!!  Use those gifts—NOW!  You obviously know how to use the internet—call younger women or Skype them or FaceTime them and encourage them.  Share a Bible verse with them.  If you’re artistic, send it in calligraphy form.  Our young moms need us more than ever.  Take advantage of this catastrophic moment in history and do your part.  YOU, my friend, are essential.  And God may have you right where you are “for such a time as this!”

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Toppling of gods

The Toppling of gods
by Becky Dietz

Could the shaking going on in our world right now be a result of the one True God toppling the gods of this world?   It’s happened before.  

In I Samuel 5, the Philistines stole the ark of the covenant (which represents the presence of God) and put it in their temple where they worshiped Dagon.   The next morning, they found their boy, Dagon, on his face before the ark.   They put him back...but then the next morning, he’d fallen again and his head and hands (symbol of leadership and power) were broken off.  There was a series of destruction, disease, and defeat until the ark was returned to God’s people.  

It also happened in the New Testament.  Jesus, carrying the presence of God, toppled gods every time he healed, delivered people from demons, or raised the dead to life.  The enemy feared his presence!   Of course, the ultimate defeat came at the cross when Jesus took the sins of the whole world and covered them with his sacrifice of blood.  He was victorious over sin and death.  Every god was toppled.  

We also carry the presence of God.  But have the gods of this world crept into our lives?   It’s time to cleanse and purify our hearts.  We need to repent of every wicked way—and turn around and give our complete submission to our King.  God is our source of life and truth...and it’s time for us to carry the presence of God like Jesus did and topple the gods of this world! We are an army that should strike fear in Satan’s heart!  

 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.”

Ephesians 6:10-20

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Why Do Pastors Need a Sabbatical?

Why Do Pastors Need a Sabbatical?
by Becky Dietz

The very basis of the word “sabbatical“ is from the Hebrew word “shabbath“ which means intermission or sabbath rest.  God set up the sabbath for the purpose of rest—and we were to keep it holy or set apart.  Every seven days we were to rest.  

A sabbatical is for the same purpose—to rest and to be renewed. Many universities give tenured professors a paid sabbatical after they’ve been there seven years.  The sabbatical is usually for a year—but could be anywhere from a month up to two years.  The idea is that the professor will travel, study, and rest and then come back renewed and energized to continue teaching the students.  Many companies are now seeing the value in giving their leading employees a sabbatical for personal enrichment and professional development.  

Why don’t more churches give their pastors a paid sabbatical?   I believe most churches don’t realize the need or value it would bring.  And, more realistically, they probably don’t think they can afford it.  Not only would they be supporting their pastor during that break, but they’d also need to fill the pulpit while he’s gone. And then there’s the philosophy that if the layman doesn’t get that kind of privilege, the pastor doesn’t deserve it either.    

Why DOES a pastor need a sabbatical?  Very few professions minister to body, soul, and spirit.  A pastor does. he spends time each week studying to prepare a sermon (or three), visiting and praying over the sick, doing weddings and funerals, doing civic and community outreach, ministering to people—even those who are not members of his church, counseling, helping, teaching, evangelizing, dealing with the finances or governing of a church, and doing many mundane physical jobs. The pressure a pastor feels is heavy.  The smaller the church, the more he may be required to do.  The larger the church, the more intense issues may be.  In short...a pastor gives and gives and seldom receives ministry. He gets very little real rest.  His mind is constantly planning and thinking of others and their needs.  His vacations are almost always interrupted by the needs of his church.  In fact, many times a pastor has to return home early from a vacation for that reason.  He seldom is able to give attention to his family that they need.  

2015 LifeWay Research survey of 1,500 pastors of evangelical churches revealed 84 percent said they are “on call” 24 hours a day. The survey showed 54 percent found the pastor’s role frequently overwhelming, and 48 percent said they often felt the demands of their job to be more than they could handle. And only 29 percent of churches have even considered having a sabbatical plan in place.  My guess is even fewer implement a plan.  

If a pastor is loved, (and by pastor, I’m referring to all pastors—youth, children’s, music, evangelism, missions, etc.) the best way you can show your appreciation for a job well-done is to give him an extended, continual time of paid leave.  A time other than vacation.  You have no idea how a pastor needs to lay down his responsibilities for a time so he can rest and be renewed. He needs to be in a position of receiving ministry.  Genesis tells us that God worked six days and rested on the seventh.  He set the example for us.  

If I could offer every church one piece of advice concerning their pastor, it would be this:  If your pastor has been in your church for five to seven years, give them a sabbatical and insist they take it!   And if you really want to bless them, give them a large financial gift and a vacation home so they can afford to get away! Most pastors are selfless and will work until they drop—it’s just hard for them to turn everything off. You may have to insist they get away. I can promise most pastors would have more longevity in their churches, a more positive outlook, and more energy and focus if they were being sent on sabbaticals every seven years. 

This is the PERFECT gift for Pastor Appreciation Month!