Saturday, February 22, 2014


Ronnie & Janet Thorne with their granddaughter

Tonight, we ran into some great friends in Amarillo.  We went to the same church as young married couples...and began having babies at the same time.  How I wish I could put my hands on my old photo albums.  I have some great photos of the Thorne's back in the day!  We were together all the time.  And we were only together about 5 minutes tonight, hugging and talking as fast as we could!  We haven't seen them in ages, but it's like we'd just been together last week. Andy & I talked about it on our way home--they're the kind of friends you pick up right where you left off.

Back in those days, we had a great group of friends--we were together all the time.  We'd have a game night at least once a month (and usually more often!) and the guys would play Rail Baron for hours while we girls would sit and talk and watch our kids.  We'd do potlucks about once a week.  And if there was a snow day, we'd manage to get to one of our houses and spend the day together.  What sweet times!  And that's the way strong bonds are made.

It made me think of my kids--they have some great friends like this.  How I pray that for all of you.    It takes time.  It takes energy.  It takes effort.  But it doesn't have to cost a lot.  It just takes a little initiative and not being afraid to invite others into your world.  It doesn't even have to be an immaculate world.  My friends have seen me and my house at my worst.  

I have a little sign in my house that says this:  "To have a friend, you must be a friend."  I encourage you to open yourself and your home to others.  I'll bet they're needing a friend as much as you are.  It will enrich your lives and give you a treasure for a lifetime--friends.

*This is also why I love Facebook--being able to keep up with friends I don't get to see often.  We already knew so much going on in each other's lives when we saw the Thorne's tonight!!

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