Tuesday, October 1, 2013

My Comfort Zone

I've become very familiar lately with my comfort zone.  Basically, by being moved out of it!  Most of us don't like change.  Or maybe we tolerate some change...until it starts making us hurt or stretching us in ways we don't want to be stretched.

Of course, today we're reminded about bigger comfort zones--with a government shutdown.  Maybe it really hasn't affected you, depending on whether you work for the government.  I certainly saw in my own life how easy it is to "eat, drink and be merry" while other people are devastated by this turn of events.

I have a nephew and niece who have moved out of their comfort zone to reach people for Christ.  I'd love for you to watch their video here.  They're not alone....I know lots of people who have made a similar choice.

Being forced out of your comfort zone can be big or small.  I have a friend today who is being moved out of her comfort zone as she hosts people she doesn't know in her home.  That's a big deal in a small way.

Comfort zones are a funny thing.  We create this imaginary force field around us thinking we are exempt from invasion.  I think God deliberately invades our comfort zones...to make us uncomfortable.  It's then that we're reminded that He is God....and it's all His.

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