Sunday, July 28, 2013


Shanna--July 26

Matthew--July 26

Amy--July 27

It's birthday week in the Dietz family.  We started off with Shanna & Matt on July 26 and then Amy on July 27.  Their lives are all worth celebrating!!  

I can remember when Matt was 12, Amy 11, David 8 and Zach 6 and just telling God, "Could you just freeze time?  These ages are just pretty perfect!"  Of course He didn't...and I'm glad.  Each age/stage has only gotten better.  Now I enjoy my kids as friends and love learning from them what God is teaching them.  

I remember asking Mary Burleson once after hearing her son, Wade, preach, "Does that just make you so proud?"  To which she replied, "You know...I'm just awed.  I'm awed at who he's become and what God is doing through him.  I really had nothing to do with it."  I didn't completely understand that then--but I totally get it now.  I'm perfectly awed at who my children have become and what God is doing through them.  It IS all about Him, isn't it?  I see His imprint all over them.

And birthday week isn't over yet!

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