Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dax & Gus Came to Visit

Shanna and the boys are in town.  Her sister, Amanda, has come in from Alaska and they're enjoying a great visit in Borger.  We were blessed that they came by to see us!

Gee with her arms full of lovin'!  How exciting that Gus had his eyes open.

Like this?  You want me to pose like this?
He's such a cutie--and already changing so much.

Dax wasn't sure he wanted to come in the house with me until I bribed him with the car.

Pops (or "Pa" according to Dax) was holding Gus when he began to tune up for a good cry.  I didn't catch the full pout at the right moment.

And finally....I did catch Dax in rolling his eyes at me.  He is hysterical!  If you annoy him, you get the eye roll.
And it's hard not to laugh.

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