Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Grief comes in many ways.  Obviously, we grieve over the death of someone close to us.  We might grieve when our children move out of our house.  We could grieve over moving to a new city, a prodigal child, losing a job, an illness, a divorce, or friends defriending us.  Grief usually involves loss or drastic change...or both. 

We expect and allow grief for the obvious--death; but we don't usually think about someone grieving over the other losses or drastic changes in their lives.  I'm not sure why we don't think about it.  Or at least I know I don't.  (Maybe because mercy is not my gift.)  I might think about someone grieving over these other things, but never think about them needing time to go through the grief process.   In fact, I didn't realize I was grieving until God revealed it to me today.  It was so enlightening--and I know it came through praying with a friend this afternoon.  There have been some big changes going on around me and it's like I've been facing a new reality of my life.  I knew I was feeling burned out or spiritually dry or something and was pulling away from people, but I never once attributed it to grief.

I want to start being more aware and myself and the people around me.  They may be grieving over things I might not have considered before.

And I'd appreciate the prayer.  I'm still there.


The McCown's said...

Praying for you....

amy wright said...

Jay and I were just discussing this kind of grief last night. Praying for you.

Sandra said...

Praying. Love you!

Ronnie said...

It is true - there are so many aspects and reasons to grieve. I am thankful for a Father who allows and provides for us in our grief. He is so good!!!