Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Recovering Stolen Things
Wedding Preparations
I know that with Amy's wedding, we started a year ahead of time. (And this was before Jay proposed---talk about faith! ha!) Amy wanted a Christmas wedding, so the year before, I went out and purchased Christmas lights and decorations when they were 80% off. We started storing and saving for the big day. That started a year of preparation. (Jay finally got around to proposing like in July! ha!) There was nothing casual about that year. In fact, when Matt started hearing Amy's wedding bells, he got on the ball and proposed to Lisa and we planned their wedding in 2 months. They were married 4 months before Jay & Amy. Trust me, there was nothing casual about that. And then David & Lindsey announced their intentions soon after and they were married 11 months after Jay & Amy. It was a wild ride---we just stayed in "wedding mode" that whole time.
But you know what? I loved it. I loved preparing. I loved fulfilling each of those brides' dreams---because I got to help plan and prepare all three. Just last February, Zach & Shanna were married. I got to help with those preparations, too. Every wedding was different--a different season, different colors, different dreams.
What are you doing to prepare for the biggest wedding of your dreams?!? Jesus is coming back soon. When the Bible was written, a Jewish man was engaged and then went to prepare a home for his bride. They didn't see each other during that time. And the bride prepared. She kept watch---because one day, without her knowing when, her bridegroom would show up for her. Do you think she had an idea of when it would be? Of course!!! She could see the signs---he was over there building their house---so I'm sure she walked by often to see how close it was to being finished. Their wedding would last for days. There had to be great preparation for guests who would stay for days! Lots of food, lots of gifts, lots of wine, etc. And then, she would go live with her husband in the home he'd prepared forever.
This morning, as my prayer partners & I met, we agreed we need to be preparing for the wedding. How do we prepare? Will we know when He's coming? Of course! We can see the signs He told us to look for. We CAN'T enter this time casually, nonchalantly, or comfortably as believers. We have to be focused. There needs to be an intensity about us. We need to be wise stewards. We need to be telling others about Christ. We need our oil lamps filled up just like the 5 wise virgins (bridesmaids) did in Matthew 25.
But just like we need to be prepared for that great wedding, even more we need to be prepared for that marriage. Are you? I keep reminding myself to be conformed to Christ---so that when I meet him, I won't be ashamed. It's time to purify ourselves. It's time to quit being casual. Put off your comfortable clothes and and get in shape---spiritual shape! You know, I told you that I was a size 7 in those wedding pictures. But with the intensity of all those preparations, I'd dropped to a 5---which is why my wedding dress isn't fitted. We should have that same intensity about us for this wedding! Be prepared for your wedding and the coming of your Bridegroom. Be ready to give yourself to Him purely and completely. Look up---He's coming!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thieves caught!
Father, thank You. We asked for a miracle, and it looks like You're blessing us with one! Thank You for protecting all that was ours....or rather, Yours. I'm asking You to break these men's hearts. Let them see their need for You. Draw them by Your Spirit. What Satan has meant for evil, please turn to good. I love You, Daddy! In Jesus' name, Amen.
Skype may have to go in the trash!
We'd just gotten home from our fabulous trip to Cancun when Amy called and said the whole family was waiting to talk to us on Skype. The first sign of trouble was when they pointed the camera to Olivia and she saw her Buff & Gee and reached her chubby little arms up for us to hold her. HOW DO I GET THROUGH THAT COMPUTER TO PICK UP THAT BABY?!?! I played patty cake with her a few times to get us through that rough spot.
Then...minutes later, the camera is turned to Amy where Isaac has his head pressed into her side where he proceeds to have a melt-down. It was all I could do not to cry myself---or promise to hop on the next airplane to Florida! Oh my. This is harder than I thought it would be. But after some alone time with Ike and a bunch of silly faces, we left him laughing....I think.
After Skype-talking, Andy & I walked to our friends' house where we were having our small group. I looked up at my husband of 33 years and said, "I may be having to go to Florida soon----without you!" Ha!! I've almost got enough saved up for one plane ticket---but not 2. And with this kind of deal....I'm not sharing! And Skype's not invited, either.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Our REAL Anniversary Trip
Anyway, we had a wonderful 33rd anniversary. Thanks for the trip to Cancun, Zach & Shanna. It was awesome!!
(Ok...we really went to Lubbock, ate at Cancun, and Andy didn't have on a swimsuit. Shanna is wearing the square dancing outfit for Halloween at work and Zach did NOT dress up! A girl can dream.....)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
33 Years!
Andy & I are celebrating our 33rd anniversary with our youngest son, Zach & his new wife, Shanna. They live in Lubbock. They just fed us a wonderful steak dinner. I reminded Andy of the 1st dinner we cooked for someone else. I made a pot roast....and the roast was....not done. So I fried it up on my electric skillet. I think I sat down and cried after they left. It was a disaster. Zach & Shanna are way ahead of the curve. I'm taking home a new recipe for apple dumplings that are out of this world!
It's hard to believe we've been married for 33 years. But they've been great. I married my best friend...and it's only gotten better. Thank You, God, for blessing me with the best!
Friday, September 26, 2008
2nd Post Today
This little girls was bashful at first, but she really opened up as I began snapping pictures. I wish my camera were faster---I missed some good shots. And I never found out her name.
Isn't she adorable? I never found out this beauty's name either. But she loved the camera. I think she'd had a little experience posing. Precious!
This morning, I found out about 4 more places in Borger were robbed last night. Calvary Baptist Church, Curves, Gerald's Office Supply & Onions. I told you about Carol who had information for the police. Well, the police never went to talk to her, so I took her to the police station after our Grocery Give-Away today so she could tell them what she knew---and she knew even more today. I think there have been about 10-12 places hit in Borger now. Please pray they get caught! And pray God changes their hearts.
Adopted Daughters
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Kickin' Butt
The story goes that another "lady" came to Carol's house last night and was plastered (or really drunk, for all you sweet peas) and started yielding all this info. Carol literally picked up this lady and carried her home---which just shows you Carol is capable of kickin' butt!
I just think it's awesome that so many people we help on a regular basis here at Living Water have called and wanted to come help clean up, find the stolen goods, or....go "kick butt!!" These are serious supporters!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My Favorite Things
Some of my favorite people. These are "the guys" that volunteer at Living Water---who also share their wisdom with me.
This is awesome! These are photos Lissa Anglin (see her blog---you can find it on my blog) took at Zach & Shanna's wedding. It's in a board book format. Zach & Shanna surprised us with this book. I love it!
My laptop. A man donated this to me to use for Living Water---but specified it was for me to KEEP! YEA!!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I wouldn't post this if I weren't concerned. Have you read the headlines lately? Just today on FoxNews.com here are some of the headlines:
*Russia Sends Warship to Caribbean--a warning to the U.S.
*Iranian President Blames U.S. for Global Market Collapse
*Mind Scan Against Terror
*Rescue Planned for Woman Trapped in Home by Giant Pig (Just kidding---really a headline, but has nothing to do with what I'm about to say!)
For some time, I've been feeling the need to prepare for disaster. And then when we had so many hurricanes this season, that feeling was reinforced. I'm not a gloom & doom prophet. I don't think we all need to run to the hills and hide in caves. But....there's just something in me saying we need to prepare. This feeling was reinforced when I shared my thoughts with some friends and they'd been feeling the same way! It may be a natural disaster that hits, it could be the collapse of our economic system, it could be anything. What I'm proposing is this: Talk to your spouse. Pray together. And see if God leads you to prepare in any way. It could just be stocking up on water and flashlights with batteries. Blankets, food, oil lamps, a generator. I don't know. But just consider it and pray about it.
I know firsthand what people do when they get desperate. I saw it when I walked into Living Water yesterday. God tells us in II Timothy 3, "But understand this, that in the last days will come (set in) perilous times of great stress and trouble [hard to deal with and hard to bear]. For people will be lovers of self and [utterly] self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate [greedy] desire for wealth, proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters. They will be abusive (blasphemous, scoffing), disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane. [They will be] without natural [human] affection (callous and inhuman), relentless (admitting of no truce or appeasement); [they will be] slanderers (false accusers, troublemakers), intemperate and loose in morals and conduct, uncontrolled and fierce, haters of good. [They will be] treacherous [betrayers], rash, [and] inflated with self-conceit. [They will be] lovers of sensual pleasures and vain amusements more than and rather than lovers of God."
Here's a website to check out for disaster preparedness by The Red Cross:
And finally, I leave you with this word from God: II Timothy 1:7, "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control."
Monday, September 22, 2008
Stuff was everywhere. But I calmly (can you believe it?!?) walked over to my phone and dialed 911. I told the woman that answered that Living Water had been burglarized. Her response was, "Oh no." We're the 5th place in Borger to be hit. The other 4 were churches. Someone must be mad at God!
There was stuff EVERYWHERE! I sent everyone home and waited outside til the police arrived. He had me walk through with him to help him find where they gained entrance. It was the back door---which is steel! But they just jimmied the lock. Man! We were so easy to break into! Friday, I'd had this weird feeling and I'd locked the filing cabinet where our checks are kept and put the key in a new hiding place. They didn't need a key---they just ruined the filing cabinet. They stole a bunch of gas cards that I give for people to go to doctors in Amarillo. We made our way to the food room---and three freezers were still open! Jerks!! The least they could have done was close the doors. They stole quite a bit of chicken, of all things. Guess they weren't beef lovers, because it doesn't look like it was touched!
The policeman had me go with him to Toot 'N Totum. We had to take care of some business about the gas cards. Then he took me with him to the police station to fingerprint me!! ME!! They wanted to do comparison fingerprints with what they found in my office, he said. He also wanted a couple more people to come in and be printed. By the way, he told me I should not take up a life of crime because I have very distinct prints! ha!
I came back and the police packed up and left. Then I was left with the MESS!! I just stood and kept looking at it all. I couldn't figure out where to begin! So instead, I called Andy and asked him to bring me some lunch. ha! After I ate, I worked on cleaning everything up. Not just the burglar's mess---but the policemen had fingerprint dust everywhere! UGH! So I did it....one piece of paper at a time.
They stole the gas cards, an outdated debit card (HA!), a computer, a monitor, food....and I don't know what else yet. They ruined my filing cabinet and busted the door. I wish I'd brought my camera to work today so I would've had pictures to show you. But I'm glad it wasn't here to be stolen!
It's a little creepy being here by myself now.....
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sunday School
But of course, Hannah gave Samuel to GOD, not really to Eli. Still. It took faith.
I love Hannah's story. It's also the story of redemption. If you study it out, Samuel was from the clan of Korah, descendants of Levi. This was the same clan that challenged Moses & Aaron. They were priests who came to these leaders and said, "Who chose you to lead? We're as holy as you are!" And as a result of their arrogance, the earth swallowed them up. (After a bunch of other things!)
And then there's Hophni & Phineas. Eli's sons. They were from a godly clan, also of the tribe of Levi---the tribe set aside by God to be priests. And these guys were unholy---doing things God had exactly told them NOT to do. They were cheating, stealing and prostituting.
A word that came to my mind this morning as Carl taught us is this: It really doesn't matter who or where you come from. Your heritage is unimportant. What matters is that your heart is wholly after God. It matters that you obey Him. And if you do, great things can happen. God can redeem even the worst situation. And in turn, you can become a "redeemer" of a people, a nation, a family line.
Father, keep my heart. I don't want to be like the Korathites or Hophni & Phineas. I want to be set apart. I want to hear you when you call me like Samuel did. I want to chase after you. I want to obey you. Keep my heart, Father. I love you, Daddy! In Jesus' name, Amen.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Eventful Day!
United Way has a service project once a year for the elderly. They can sign up to have someone come and do jobs that don't usually get done. Liz, Andy's mom, signed up this year to have a roof put on her patio and some yard work done. Of course, we signed up to help her. I took my trusty new camera to get some pics of what went on. We have some great people here in Borger who are so willing to help. And help they did!! You'll notice Tibby & Terry Rogers trimming trees (they trimmed every tree in her yard!), Robby & Tina Yarbrough helped put on the roof, as did Bobby McElreath. Kay McElreath and a woman named Mary did yard work---as did I. Liz spent the day trying to give people Raspberry tea and brownies, fudge and banana nut bread. It was quite a day---we're exhausted! Thank you, United Way and Volunteers! (Don't tell anyone that I used the word "elderly" in the same paragraph as Andy's mom!)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
In case you're interested, it's a Sony Cybershot DSC-W170 with 10.1 mega pixels with a Carl Zeiss lens. Woo-Hoo!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Things are a-changin'
I'm so excited! I found out I have to be at a mandatory workshop at the food bank (not the exciting part yet) Friday. Friday is the day we give out groceries here at Living Water. It's a crazy day!! And it's the one day I hate missing the most. But what's a girl to do?
I asked a guy to preach at our chapel service who is a regular and knows how things run here. I also got someone who is great to come sing that day. I was going to get the preacher-guy to lead our prayer time...and then I stopped. Why not ask one of our "clients" who is really growing?
You see, when I first started here, I wanted to change the atmosphere of our chapel day. Instead of everyone coming in embarressed and cowed down, I wanted them to know we were delighted to have them here! So the first thing I started was a refreshment table. We have cookies or doughnuts, coffee and juice--where they help themselves. The next thing I started was a Give-Away Shelf. I put garage sale-type items on this shelf and put a little sign, "Free Stuff--Help Yourself!" And they have. (I had to laminate a little sign and tape it on the shelf itself after the framed version was taken! Is that not hysterical?? I still laugh every time I think of that. ha!) The next thing I added was a prayer time---praying for the clients' prayer needs. It was very successful!! We started seeing incredible answers to our prayers---God wanted them to know He is God! Then we added a praise time---where people openly shared answers to their/our prayers. The whole atmosphere at Living Water has really changed.
It's so exciting to see things grow and change. We already have 2 clients who love to take their turn singing during our chapel service. And I know it was God who prompted me this morning to ask this woman to lead our prayer time Friday. She'll do a great job!! I can't wait to hear all about it when I get home. And since that worked so well, I called another woman and asked her to call out the numbers to hand out the groceries. She was delighted that I asked her. I just can't wait to see where this will lead.
I'm already excited because so many of our clients are getting involved in the 8 churches that support Living Water--some have even been baptized. Lives are being changed. They are seeing God at work. And so am I.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
She encouraged me a couple of years ago to spend time "dancing" with my husband. But today, she came by to tell me that I needed to spend time dancing with God.
Immediately, a picture came to my mind. As a little girl, my daddy would let me step on his feet and we'd dance. It usually didn't last long (enough!), but he'd twirl me and we'd laugh. I absolutely LOVED it! I think that's why I love to dance with my grandchildren and twirl them---I remember that feeling. I felt special. I felt loved.
I agreed with my dear friend today. I told her I'd go dance with God.
Thank You
Monday, September 15, 2008
Before they came to Borger this weekend, they were driving on I-40 in Amarillo. They passed Chuck E Cheese. Ryan saw it and said, "Look Mama! Chuck E Cheese. Proud sponsor of PBS Kids."
I've laughed everytime I've thought of it! (So did our life group last night!)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I think most of it has to do with the inordinate amount of counseling we've been doing lately. We've counseled several people who were suicidal, marriages falling apart, some who may be going to prison over their sin, etc. Then add to that the burdens my own kids are carrying (which I tend to help carry), and I think I'm just ready for a break.
I'm just being honest here. I could use your prayers. Isn't it interesting? I really think blogging brought this to light. I got real with myself. I've also recognized how important visual reward is to me (for real!) and decided it was time for me to see some reward with the money I'm making. So...I've hired a housecleaner today. (And boy, does it need it!) Now THAT I can get excited about!!
Thanks for praying.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
David & Lindsey got here as we were talking to Jay & Amy (after she got home from a night out w/ the girls) and we lost control. Ryan & Addie Belle had to talk to Uncle Jay & Aunt Mamie. Actually, I think they were mostly watching themselves on the screen. But it was lots of fun.
This morning, "Hey," as Ryan & Addie call him, called and we talked to he and Shanna from Lubbock.
*Sidenote: Our names are a little crazy around here. Ryan & Addie call Zach "Hey" because they would walk in while he was waking up and he'd playfully yell, "HEY!" at them. So...he became "Hey!" That's actually what they call him. Isaac named him Mumzie before he became Hey. This was when Jay & Amy lived with us and Zach still lived at home. So Isaac loved his Uncle Zach from the beginning. He couldn't say "Uncle Zach," so it became a combination and ended up "Mumzie." There's Buff, Gee, Pops, Guh, Gran, Mamie, Uncle Joy, Mumzie, Hey, Aunt La La, Umdie....it just doesn't stop.
So anyway, back to this amazing camera---this morning, we got to see Isaac wiggle that loose tooth, Josiah showed us his Thomas the Tank Engine pajamas, and Olivia reached out for us. Amy said she never sits that still, but apparently she takes after her Gee in her fascination with technology!
It was so much fun seeing everyone in live action across the miles. I know that these 2 grandparents are going to give this new gadget quite a workout---thank you, babe, for that birthday purchase! And Zach, Mumzie, Hey....we're sorry we bumped you off in favor of the grandkids.
Friday, September 12, 2008
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23
Online banking

In fact, I've found the checking-to-savings-transfer online and it's given me new vision and hope! I may actually have money saved by Christmas. WOW!
But this morning, I went online for my usual run and found a transaction missing!! Where's all my SAVINGS??? I've been so proud of my savings....and it was one transaction short. I got on the phone and called my local banker and....it just didn't get transferred. At least it's still in the checking account. I would have really flipped out if it was just GONE. I just hope that when Christmas comes around I'm willing to take that money out of savings. You know how much I like visual rewards!!
But the most amazing thing is that Andy & I had just gotten back from Subway where we'd eaten lunch----and that transaction was already online! Man! Amazing. I love online banking. Just wish they'd had it years ago. Could've saved me a lot of problems.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Analytical Mind
My prayer partner & I were talking over lunch last week about situations in our lives. You'd love listening in on our conversations. We get together and "dump" what has happened in our lives since we last saw one another and then begin analyzing these situations---trying to learn everything God wants us to learn through them. Then we pray together. Now you must know, we see each other almost every day! ha! But you'd be amazed at how much can happen in a day---stuff we need to analyze! Back to lunch. We were examining, analyzing and talking when I asked her, "Do you think we overanalyze things?" Her immediate response was, "YES!!" We decided then and there that we need to just "Let be and be still...and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10 (Re: Day 1 of 30 Days of Praise) We need to accept what comes at us, receive the lessons we need to learn and then shake it off. The shaking off is the hard part! I want to stretch it, taste it, touch it, handle it, look at it, stare at it, move it from one place to another to get a different perspective on it, put it in different lighting to see if there's a difference, etc., etc.....
Am I all alone in this? I want to learn how to receive the message God wants me to learn from these experiences without manhandling it to death. I think when I put undue attention on situations, I lock myself into it. I get stuck. I want to learn how to gain understanding...and then move on. Does any of this make sense? Or am I overanalyzing my overanalyzing?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
You've gotta do this!
So....here are the instructions:
1. Go to http://www.statcounter.com
2. You'll need to set up an account. It says there are 4 easy steps in setting this up. (Mine was even easier---David did it for me!!) At the end, it will give you a code for your website. Copy that.
3. Go to "customize" on your blog.
4. Go to "layout."
5. Click on "Add a Gadget."
6. Scroll down and click on "HTML/JavaScript."
7. Insert your saved code in this box.
8. Click on "Save."
There you go! You'll have a counter on your blogsite. But in order to see all your information, you'll have to go to http://www.statcounter.com and log in. When you do, go to Project Name which is blogspot on mine. When you get there, look at all the statistics on the left and start clicking! This is so much FUN!!!
**And don't worry all you Blog-Stalkers---you're SAFE! We still don't know who you are!!!**
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Book Review
What an eye-opener! I had no idea what the lives of Saudi women were like. And actually, this is a tale of a royal Saudi woman; hence, the title, The Princess. Jean tells the tale of a princess of the royal Saudi family--who rules over Saudi Arabia. The country is totally male-dominated, with little regard for women. From the time a baby boy is born, he's revered. A girl is totally neglected by her father until she's of marriageable age---around 14. A daughter is valuable only for the dowry she brings to her father. She may be married to a man her grandfather's age---and she may be the 4th wife of this man!
Men are expected to use and abuse women. (This book is very forthright with its stories, but I felt it was told in a tasteful manner.) In fact, this book gave me understanding of the attitude Muslims have towards the U.S. I know it's hard to see why I came to that conclusion in the same paragraph of men using and abusing women...but if you read the book, you'll see why. I don't want to give everything away!
If you have even an inkling of wanting to understand women of other countries and cultures, you MUST read this book! I highly recommend it! Thanks, Donna!!
If my people...

This morning, my prayer partners & I met to pray. We decided it was time to do something for our election. In fact, another friend in our church has been trying to get us burdened to pray for our country...but we've micromanaged it til nothing has happened. So we thought it was time to take action.
We called our minister and asked his permission to open the worship center each Tuesday until Election Day from 8-4 for people to come in and pray. We'll have scripture there for everyone---no political platforms---just scripture. Then they can come at the time that is convenient for them and pray---using the scripture as a guide. I think it's time to humble ourselves, confess our sins and seek God's face. Just like II Chronicles 7:14-16 says, "Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. My eyes will be open and my ears attentive to every prayer made in this place. For I have chosen this house and set it apart to be holy—a place where my name will be honored forever. I will always watch over it, for it is dear to my heart."
We decided to make banners to hang in our church with this scripture. THEN we even took it a step further and decided to get a billboard with a short version of II Chronicles 7:14 on it---and call our city to prayer.
I hope you'll join us. You don't have to make banners or buy a billboard---but what if you did? What if we all called on our people to pray? Aren't you ready to take a stand? Don't you want to see God move on us once again? I want to do my part. I don't want to face God saying, "I just didn't know what to do to help." Just open your home, your church...and ask like-minded people to come pray for our nation.
Monday, September 8, 2008
The birthday boy

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Aren't Sundays a Day of Rest?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Andy's birthday
It's so funny the older you get, the less you care about birthdays! Some people stress over certain ages, but it's never bothered me. It's just another day, in my opinion. Plus...Andy is almost 6 years older than me (please don't tell me how shocked you are!), so by the time I get there, it just isn't as painful.
We don't even care about gifts anymore. (Although Andy did mention he saw some steam cleaner thing for grills that has piqued his interest!) I mean, I already have everything I want. In fact, I'm telling my kids this year that all I want for Christmas is an 8x10 photo of their family. I don't even care if it's one they've taken themselves! I am finally motivated to get my photo screen filled up!! (There's also a smaller space for each grandkid to have 2 photos each--hint, hint, Amy & Lindsey)
Anyway, happy 58th birthday, Andy. That age looks great on you, babe!! (I got him some Charmin---what more could he want?!?)
Friday, September 5, 2008
Patsy Steele
Please continue praying for their safety----and praise God Patsy hasn't been kidnapped---just evacuated by the community leader.
One thing I've learned....
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Steele's
I was already concerned this week when I read a letter from a young woman who is going to a Christian college. She said, "God is pro-choice. He's always given His people choice; therefore, He's pro-choice." She was talking about abortion.
Isn't it crazy? But Satan is good at that. He twists scripture in people's minds. There's just enough truth to make it sound plausible.
I encourage us all to become TRUTH-SEEKERS! "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32 And then, "For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders so as to deceive and lead astray, if possible, even the elect (God's chosen ones)." Matthew 24:24 It's going to be imperative the closer we get to Jesus' coming to stay in the Truth!! That's where my heart is today.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
